Yesterday I was mentally busy working on the content and ’flow’ of my up coming talk ‘To a Spirituality of Tolerance’, the first Sunday in April. I was especially occupied with addressing the issue of tolerance and ethics. This is important, because you have to decide of what to be tolerant. That can’t just be anything, because there are situations that should not be tolerated. For example, one thing we don’t like in our country is dictatorship or bribery, though both occur at times.
So, tolerance yes, but together with sound moral judgement and ethical standards. It is at this junction that the religious traditions, which are passed down to us, come into play with their rules about human behaviour.
I also spent some time thinking about how to organise the flow and content of my presentation. I want to make references to my insights related to ‘Existence Divine’ and the ‘Search for the Sacred’, which date back to April 2006. But also, to the insight from the time of my youth (1954) when I resolved the conundrum - for me - of the numerous and disputing Protestant churches all claiming to follow the ‘Word of God’.
Over the years of my life time, I have slowly come to realise that the root for my present notion of tolerance goes back to 1954 and may be even earlier. Namely, to that ‘reasonable approach’ that I was informed to use in my earliest childhood dream. That theme of ’reasonableness’ has slowly become recognisable from the activities throughout my life, as I look back today.
The question now is, what is the fruit or outcome of all this and how do I express it. This is where the importance of my upcoming talk is becoming more and more evident, emerging like the head of an growing summer storm thunder cloud! Meaning, that time has come to formulate and proclaim the resulting message of this life long process.
The outcome then of this process being, that present religious traditions need to be ‘reasonably’ adapted to become workable and contributing movements in a planet wide world society that accommodates the diversity of belief frameworks that have become our human heritage.
By reasonably I mean, that we need to consciously resolve our differences without braking down into violent emotive processes. And, that we learn to acquire sufficient tolerance to appreciate and value the variety of beliefs and values that we humans have discovered over the millennia and now bring to the planetary round table.