First entry for April, but not on its first day! No fooling:-)!
Yesterday I visited my physio man, who is very efficient and perceptive. He does a lot more work for the money than most chiropractors ever did. A couple more treatments should do it.
I also talked to both of my sisters yesterday on account of the passing of a mutual youth friend. I left that circle of friends long ago and was no longer in contact, but still the passing of some one your own age who was your friend in adolescence is moving all the same. May my youth friend Paul, rest in peace.
I also did the monthly grocery shopping yesterday and managed for about eighty five (85) dollars. I bought less meat this time, because I eat less of it these days. I have slowly switched to about two veggie days a week and one egg day. I still have ground beef from March in the freezer! I also eat fish about twice a month and yogurt - natural with fruit - almost every day. A healthy diet keeps the pills at the druggist.
I am running out of candles and will have to make a trip to Ikea, maybe even today. I’ll also look for some slippers, since the no-shoes venues are on the increase, but do not have the courtesy to provide slippers for the visitors.