, Friday. Shrouded sun. seasonal temps at about 6 now and fourteen for a high today, zero for tomorrow!

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Physio reading and ethnic dinner:


~~I recount activities of the day, elaborating them with some comments.~~

My physio man did well yesterday, but the slippers for the customers are still absent. No other activities, except for a phone call with Elisabeth and my reading in ‘The Faith Instinct’. This is a catchy title and probably copied from ’s The Language Instinct’, but a real instinct is something that governs a set behaviour and not an intellectual activity.

Publishers come up with such sales titles that establish misleading ideas for the sake of commercial benefit. The Media also follow their instincts to make money by producing interest raising titles that are more catchy than accurate.

What is it that people want to hear, is a guiding principle in that field and as consumer it is ‘buyer beware’, also with respect to media, TV-shows and internet browsing.

I guess I had to get something off my chest here, as this sudden outburst seems to indicate. Later lunch with Herman at Heritage, a trip to Ikea to exchange my new bathroom mat for a non slip type.

Last night I did go to inspect the ethnic dinner venue for this month and make reservations. In some areas in Kensington the parking profiteers make you pay on Saturday only, while it is free during the week! Such trickery!

Writings: Exploring common human narrative:


~~I comment on Wade’s ‘The Faith Instinct’ after having read chapters three (3) and twelve (12) and explore the idea of ‘a common human narrative‘.~~

This morning I was quite occupied with constructing a narrative, a common narrative that is for humankind. This narrative notion was triggered by my reading in the mentioned book on Faith. In it the author - a journalist - brings together many new discoveries about our human heritage.

He constructs a perspective that begins at fifty thousand (50 000) years ago - 50KYa - taking in the intervening stages of human development and ends with the present. This presentation is not a narrative itself, but the author does emphasize the importance of narrative making as he relates the various stages of human story making in human religions.

The author’s approach and view comes very close to the one I have composed over the last fifteen (15) years. His book ‘The faith Instinct’ is written with the conviction that humans have developed in a spectacular way and that religions have played an important role in this. This view is also mine and I am reading the book to see where he and I differ and agree.

Wade appears to leave out any discussion of our genetic ancestry, such as is related by in ‘Deep Ancestry’. Wade uses the archaeological and scriptural findings to restructure the old narratives of the three monotheisms.

However, I have to start my reading in chapter one, which I did not do! Fessing up, I must admit that I wanted to test the authors mettle in this field of uncovering history behind the handed down narrative and he passed in most aspects.

I plan to make notes, because this is one of those books with which I go into dialogue! I have about three of them, ‘Maps of Meaning’, ‘Rewriting the Soul’ and ‘Mind & Emergence’ authored by , and respectively.
<9:59am and 10:14am.

Daily Entry: 2014-04-11

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