Today is the first day of Passover in the Christian tradition, full moon and the Hebrew’s departure from Egypt in their narrative. This full - with eclipse today - moon is the first to follow the Vernal Equinox transit and the one that is the marker for Easter on the following Sunday. This because Good Friday and the resurrection Sunday had to be on those days of the week. They could not move around the weekdays, the way Christmas day does.
It also shows that these festivities were regulated by the moon calendar and not the sun’s. The sun calendar was used in the agricultural societies - Egypt, while the moon calendar guided the herdsmen, because the animals go with the cadence of the moon, as did the hunters of days gone by.
For this evening I have a dinner invitation from Juliet. We will meet up at about three (3) pm, since she wanted me to look at her new computer. She is loosing typed files under the new OS-Widows8 and we have much to chat, since she was over in Pakistan this passed winter.
Last night I posted about six delayed entries on my web site. The most delayed was from March 31, the day we drove to Standard to commemorate our late friend Sharen, who I still miss after our ten years of coffee visits
Yesterday aft I picked up the annual tax forms and will have to do my yearly due diligence in this regard. I always do my own, because I find that the tax people in Winnipeg make corrections in my favour if and when that is valid. I don’t use the internet to file, which turned out to be a good decision an account of the recent ‘Heart-bleed’ security gap in the Open source encryption software.
Apparently it was due to a common oversight in the C-language type programme that was used. And I bought my standard Lindt chocolate plaques, while in the store, always waiting for the sale price to come around.