, Wednesday. Veiled sun, bright and cool at about 5dC.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Clueless wireless attempts and tolerance:


~~Not quite clueless, but in need of assistance regarding wireless connectivity. Derrick replies to my query on Buddhist tolerance toward other beliefs.~~

Yesterday I did install the wireless software at home, but it is not operational even though the test page printed ok. My question is: ‘Why do I need to hook into a network in order to have the computer send a document to the printer.? Can this not be done directly between these two devices?’

At Juliet’s I did manage to get the computer to talk to the printer, but through the network. We even got pages from her essay printed out at her new Epson WL-25.. new printer. However, after this event the ‘Word’ software announced that it had become dysfunctional and went on strike. Phone help did not help, so now I’m taking it - the laptop - in, to the merchant. I’ll combine that trip with the one to my medical appointment for this morn.

Derrick sent me an email passing on a reply he received from a friend about Buddhist teachings on tolerance towards other religions. This was the result of Derrick’s follow up on my query to him on this subject.

Next will be a sample of Hindi teachings on that kind of tolerance. I have a few examples from Islam and Christianity, but the latter has little on this in its Biblical scriptures. Most religions are quite concerned about other religions as being at least distractions and usually as being outright fallacious in nature.

Our world today needs an updated on such teachings, as we now have become each other’s neighbours and need to get along with other-believers, as I call them. There are no ‘unbelievers’, because everybody has some kind of value system framing daily experience.

Daily Entry: 2014-04-23

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