Mr. Sterling’s, the owner of a US basketball team and billion dollar man, fate fascinates me. Here we have a case of a person voicing an opinion - free speech and expression - in a private conversation, being vilified in public, which I call ‘twittafried’ in this case.
This man uttered what I call a ‘niggerism’, which means saying something that is socially unacceptable in form or substance or both. And so it is as such, if and when spoken in public, but that he did not do. The said conversation was private or so intended.
So, why are people so upset and reacting drastically, while when people are illegally shot - think school shootings - all we get is public indignation without anti gun action to follow? I think we need to follow the money - loss of fans in this case.
However, there is an other aspect to this public reaction. It is that Mr. Sterling’s remarks stirred the pot of ‘put away opinions’ that are still widely held privately and were openly expressed in public at one time.
Today our society as a whole is trying to live up to the new norms, but the old convictions are still there and Mr. Sterling’s broadcast remarks triggered barely suppressed feelings and values. Changing the latter two takes time and effort, like the healing of a wound. Therefore, poking and pulling at the bandage is hurtful and not tolerated. That this hurtful opinion became public was not his doing, so he is not the only person involved in this fracas.