, Wednesday. Sunny and seasonal, spring is here - for a while as some say!

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Sterling remarks considered:


~~Examining the censoring effect of social media on our private conversation when controversial content becomes public.~~

Mr. Sterling’s, the owner of a US basketball team and billion dollar man, fate fascinates me. Here we have a case of a person voicing an opinion - free speech and expression - in a private conversation, being vilified in public, which I call ‘twittafried’ in this case.

This man uttered what I call a ‘niggerism’, which means saying something that is socially unacceptable in form or substance or both. And so it is as such, if and when spoken in public, but that he did not do. The said conversation was private or so intended.

So, why are people so upset and reacting drastically, while when people are illegally shot - think school shootings - all we get is public indignation without anti gun action to follow? I think we need to follow the money - loss of fans in this case.

However, there is an other aspect to this public reaction. It is that Mr. Sterling’s remarks stirred the pot of ‘put away opinions’ that are still widely held privately and were openly expressed in public at one time.

Today our society as a whole is trying to live up to the new norms, but the old convictions are still there and Mr. Sterling’s broadcast remarks triggered barely suppressed feelings and values. Changing the latter two takes time and effort, like the healing of a wound. Therefore, poking and pulling at the bandage is hurtful and not tolerated. That this hurtful opinion became public was not his doing, so he is not the only person involved in this fracas.

Writings: Ten principles for humanity:


~~I recombine earlier concepts in a still open list of salient points or principles.~~

Yesterday I combined under ‘Writings’ some penciled notes made during the weekend. This addition supplements the ‘Writings’ of the fore going Friday, but are no more than a loose collection of ideas and experiences. I discovered and identified these ideas over the years from reading and living the examined life.

However, time has come to put them all together in a teachable construct that is helpful in structuring today’s world of experience. I will now make a start with this today, as my search has come to its end! This in reference to yesterday’s reported three intuitions.

A Belief Framework for ‘Today‘.

The word ‘today’ is a placeholder for now; try: ‘Framework for the human experience.’
I start with the five points of the earlier ‘Dispensation of Tolerance’, expand and rename it but, with tolerance remaining proscriptive for our society today.

Human life on Earth is purposeful of its own account, …

  1. Common origin of human conscious awareness and becoming conscious of the process itself.
  2. The Place, Time, People and Circumstance variable; defining states.
  3. The Boundary situation identified. - This is where we encounter the limit of what is consciously known and meet the mystery. Ex: The disappearance of flight MH370!
  4. The new revelation, idea or insight that addresses the boundary situation. This is the result of a search, but needs to be tested for ethics.
  5. Accommodation with the handed down traditions and other reference frame works.
  6. Formulation of the restructuring, perspective and course of action.
    This involves examination for robustness, comprehensiveness, adequacy, functionality and reliability.
  7. Human consciousness/ awareness is a work in progress.
  8. Existence and awareness are continuous.
  9. Humans can acquire continuous awareness through integration and/or increased consciousness.
  10. Human life on Earth is purposeful of its own account, as we add our experiences and knowledge - such as ethics - to the whole of existence, which is the Mystery of ‘Existence Divine’.

I am not sure this list is complete, but there is nothing wrong with letting it remain open. We know that our human experience is not closed either, with new things popping up at unexpected times and places. Adaptation is the watch word in the process of existence for all living organisms, which include homo-‘sapienses‘!

Addition projected: The structuring function of mythology and the five principles of theology.

Daily Entry: 2014-04-30

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