, Tuesday. Sun from behind the cloud and cold, that is near freezing. We experience a hesitating spring!

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Anniversary celebrated monthly coffee and shopping:


~~Sunday we celebrated a 45 year anniversary for Herman work in Calgary, I reminisce on mine, have coffee with Jack and shop for groceries.~~

Yesterday I managed to reduce my accumulated gathered writings going back to April 25 to three separate lists. The result is still keeping my occupied, but on this I will elaborate under writings below.

I did a little vacuuming, took and made some phone calls related to planning a presentation for Denise after this weekend, which was so very much centered on her partner in life. That is, Herman celebrated his 45th anniversary as a New Thought minister in Calgary.

This celebration took place at our own Palliser Sunday gathering with just under twenty people attending. It was a fine affair in our own style, with the feeling values of our group, with Denise leading and organising. There were presents, cards, well wishings, food and drink, with above all a celebratory mood among friends.

Herman got several new books, among which was ’s ‘The Story of the Jews’, the one I had shown to him at our last lunch. This time I was not involved the way I was with the 35th and the 40th, but I did make a ten minute presentation in the evening celebration at the Unity Church on 26a street SW, where Gabriella and JK have a New Thought centre.

That event was open to all comers in the Calgary New Thought community, with about fifty people attending. It was a well organised event, with about six presentation, including mine, some singing and a final thank you speech by Herman.

Forty five years as a time span made me recall that I had just started as an instructor at Ryerson Polytechnic Institute, as it was called at that time, also known as RPI in Toronto. Like Herman then, I too was at the start of my professional career and family life.

At that time I was busy with my colleagues to launch Ryerson’s first Degree programme, a Bachelor of Technology in Surveying. I taught in its first year of offering, but left for Ottawa in the Summer of 1970, with wife and children to start with Space Optic in Bells Corners. Then, in May 1973 it was onto Sait in Calgary, from where I retired in May 1999. As I said, such an anniversary makes you think!

Yesterday Jack and I had our monthly coffee talk, which is always an intellectual wild ride like on an all-terrain vehicle. An any topic tour of relating experiences, notions and events of a month, in ninety minutes! Not to be missed or substituted by something else!

Today is Safeway shopping Tuesday of the month, so I’ll be going there when it gets a little warmer, tomorrow it will be laundry day, while I also hope to get some more vacuuming in some time.
<9:07am and back at 10:16am after shopping and coffee.

Writings: Framing human experience:


~~I combine three lists of concepts in a search for independent categories defining the human experience.~~

Last Friday night I gathered the writings going back to April the 25th, resulting in an accumulation document, but leaving most of the writings unaltered. Yesterday, I cut out all the narrative, leaving three sets of points or principles grouped under the headings of Theology, Ten Framework principles and the Structuring function, groups A, B and C for short.

Summary of Parameters of groups A, B and C.

    A: Theology:
  1. Cosmogony: explaining existence’s origins and reason for being.
  2. Anthropogeny: describes the position of humanity in the cosmos.
  3. Soteriology: teaching the way forward for humans towards redemption.
  4. Community: ethics and human conduct.
  5. Eschatology: the teachings of the last things.
    Ten principles for humanity:
  1. Common origin of human conscious awareness and becoming conscious of the process itself.
  2. The Place, Time, People and Circumstance variable; defining states.
  3. The Boundary situation identified.
  4. - This is where we encounter the limit of what is consciously known and meet the mystery. Ex: The disappearance of flight MH370!
  5. The new revelation, idea or insight that addresses the boundary situation. This is the result of a search, but needs to be tested for ethics.
  6. Accommodation with the handed down traditions and other reference frame
  7. works.
  8. Formulation of the restructuring, perspective and course of action. This involves examination for robustness, comprehensiveness, adequacy, functionality and reliability.
  9. Human consciousness/ awareness is a work in progress.
  10. Existence and awareness are continuous
  11. Humans can acquire continuous awareness through integration and/or increased consciousness.
  12. Human life on Earth is purposeful of its own account, as we add our experiences and knowledge - such as ethics - to the whole of existence, which is the Mystery of ‘Existence Divine’
    C: Structuring Function:
  1. Restructure/ structure the past, to create a perspective on the future that enables us to act in the present.
  2. Hence: structure, perspective, action.

End of complete list

First I classified C as a process and not a set of aspects, or parameters that would define the ‘Concept Space’ of the Human Experience. The next step was to merge the parameters from groups A and B into a single list of fifteen parameters, with the following result:

    Combined list A and B.
    A. Theology:
  1. Cosmogony: explaining existence’s origins and reason for being.
  2. Anthropogeny: describes the position of humanity in the cosmos.
  3. Soteriology: teaching the way forward for humans towards redemption.
  4. Community: ethics and human conduct.
  5. Eschatology: the teachings of the last things.
  6. B: Ten principles for humanity:
  7. Common origin of human conscious awareness and becoming conscious of the process itself.
  8. The Place, Time, People and Circumstance variable; defining states.
  9. The Boundary situation identified. - This is where we encounter the limit of what is consciously known and meet the mystery. Ex: The disappearance of flight MH370!
  10. The new revelation, idea or insight that addresses the boundary situation. This is the result of a search, but needs to be tested for ethics.
  11. Accommodation with the handed down traditions and other reference frame works.
  12. Formulation of the restructuring, perspective and course of action. This involves examination for robustness, comprehensiveness, adequacy, functionality and reliability.
  13. Human consciousness/ awareness is a work in progress.
  14. Existence and awareness are continuous
  15. Humans can acquire continuous awareness through integration and/or increased consciousness.
  16. Human life on Earth is purposeful of its own account, as we add our experiences and knowledge - such as ethics - to the whole of existence, which is the Mystery of ‘Existence Divine’

    Using this list I constructed a matrix using the parameter names as rows and columns. I garnered this method from ’s ‘Kite Analysis’ in his book on ‘The Society of Mind’. I also taught this method to my students in the last year of the ‘Thinking Skills’ fad at Sait ca 1990.

    This type of analysis shows to what extend the listed parameters inter-relate. I found last night that I ended up with too few independent parameters to be useful. I now plan to generalise the theological categories by analysing their functionality and then classify the ten items as qualities within those five categories.

    I have two reasons for this new approach, one is that the five categories of A are independent from each other and secondly that these categories are the product of a long process of cultural cum religious development. That gives these five categories much staying power and validity, all due to their track record of applicability.

    We can make those categories more generally valid by examining their actual functionality within the field of religion and then extrapolate from there to our human society in general in its modern setting. In other words, we decouple the established categories of Theology as such, then generalise their applicability based on the functions that these categories.
    <10:58am and 11:53am after lunch and edit~

Daily Entry: 2014-05-06

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