Yesterday morning I had my medical tests done after fasting for twelve hours. My appointment was for 8:30am, but still had to wait for about fifteen minutes. All went as usual, except that the clerks now wanted a photo id. This came into the regulations last November I was told.
After the test I had a coffee and a tasteless muffin, that’s the last time I’ll have one of those. After this little break I turned to go home, but changed my mind and circled back to try to meet up with John. That did not work, but I picked up some discounted office supplies at Grand and Toy, which is going out of business nation wide.
In the aft I went to see Juliet again like Wednesday afternoon. Yesterday I typed a few pages of her hand written story, which she read out to me from her note book. We also sent chapter two to her niece in England, who has offered Juliet to do the editing. As is her habit, Juliet cooked up a tasty meal again, after which we chatted a while, until I left at around seven pm.
On Wednesday afternoon I vacuumed my apartment, before my visit to Juliet. Once there I was quite busy with the printers and the transfer of files and email addresses from the old computer - XP !!- to the new Dell with its Windows Eight. The emails keep on arriving at the old computer even though we send them from the new one using Shaw’s web mail. This I’ll have to fix yet, but that had to wait, since I felt quite tired once home after this for me busy Wednesday.