, Monday. Sunny, cool but warming up to ca 15dC.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Detoured breakfast recalled experiences and public teachings:


~~Traffic delays force a home breakfast, which combine with forgotten work attitudes and feelings. This in turn prompts me to face up to presenting my personal teachings in public.~~

This morning I set out to have breakfast with my retired colleagues, but I was too much delayed due to a single car accident on Crowchild’s Northbound Bow bridge lanes - all closed for hours. So, I turned around and chose for home breakfast.

Being all dressed up and having been in the rush hour traffic I was in quite a different mood as I went through my standard routine this morning. I recalled the old going to work attitudes, which feel quite different from the ones I have become used to during my years of retirement. I was reminded of and also felt the emotions of the more aggressive ‘get on with it’ feelings, instead of the more contemplative ones that have replaced the former.

This had an interesting consequence, in that during my breakfast I started thinking about how I would begin with offering a few seminars on my teachings, which are now close to being rounded out. In entertaining this possibility, I realised that I’d have to approach the people who I know at this time.

I was thinking in particular about those colleagues who I now missed meeting for breakfast this morning. I would have to let them know too, since they are part of my social circle. I would have to expose myself to them in such a different way about ideas and feelings I have always closely held for myself and a few friends.

Do I have the courage to expose myself to them and face some disagreement or maybe even ridicule? I have always kind of held off on such a move. However, this morning I came to the conclusion that I’d have to chance whatever the reaction maybe and take it as it comes.

I now know that I have to take my chances and face the music as the expression has that. When you are ready with the message, be that a lecture, a presentation or a teaching, it has to be expressed lest it whither on the vine.

It reminds me of the ‘putting on the armour’…

It reminds me of the ‘putting on the armour’, here of my conviction and be ready to take a few blows. It is a move in which I choose for a certain vulnerability in exposing a new aspect of my identity, which has been held privately up until today.

I feel as if going into a battle, a match, a test of strength, my first lecture ever; yet have done many, but never on my personal convictions and insights. Yet that time has come now.

Writings: Three fundamental categories identified:


~~Over the weekend I resolve the description of the three fundamental categories for the human experience framework.~~

Over the weekend I gave some more thought to the five (5) categories of theology and my intention to classify the ten (10) points of the framework into these five. This was not very productive, because it started to become clear to me that the theological classes of anthropogeny, soteriology together with community and law, all made up one class pertaining to the human aspect of existence.

That meant that these three were related and not independent, which was my criterion. This led to just three categories for theology, cosmogony, humanity and eschatology. Next I replaced these names and expanded the conceptual range of these three as follows: Existence Divine, the realm of humanity and continuity of conscious awareness.


Existence Divine:
This includes the old idea of creation - for which we now have a scientific narrative - and the concept of the creator - who represents the idea of the everlasting, because its existence was presented as a priori.

The idea of ‘Existence Divine’ takes in the creation and creator, or all that exists and its Mystery, which is Divine as being knowable to humans, in parts and aspects.

The realm of Humanity:
The origins of the human species is now largely understood as the outcome of a long process of adaptation, which we call evolution. The human realm includes science, which can be interpreted as soteriology in a modern sense in addition to the handed down traditions.

Community and law in our modern society has become the way of institutional authority with its rules for conduct and punishment, slowly replacing the handed down ordination and supplementing these at times.

Continuity of conscious awareness:
Human conscious awareness is confined to our planet plus our space station and we know that it is all vulnerable to extinction. The continuity of conscious awareness across existence maybe assured by establishing contact with other ‘nodes’ of conscious existence in our galaxy, universe and beyond. This is the category of eschatology or ‘the expectations of future things’!

This completes the notions recorded in my week-end notes, albeit not their literal report.
After lunch, 11:34am~

Daily Entry: 2014-05-12

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