Yesterday I looked up the dictionary description of the words adequate, robust and comprehensive in my Oxford Encyclopaedic Dictionary edition and right now I’ll try the Merriam- Webster’s College edition. It gives the following:
Adequate: Sufficient for a specific requirement; to make equal; barely sufficient of a performance.
Robust: Capable of performing without failure (software); strong, firm.
Comprehensive: Covering completely as in insurance.
The Oxford gives:
Adequate: as M-W.
Robust: (of intellect), not given to nor confused by subtleties + M-W
Comprehensive: complete or nearly so, relating to understanding + M-W
These concept descriptions then I’ll have to make apply to a reference, value or belief framework.
I will start with the idea of ‘Existence Divine’ which includes all that exists and occurs, and in which even our universe is but one of the many possibilities and processes. Granted that we do not know about them, but it cannot be excluded either.
Here we encounter the limit of what we know and we must acknowledge that we are facing a mystery. We may discover more about it, hence I call the mystery of Existence Divine ‘knowable’, but not ‘comprehensible’, in that all of it can be known at once.
Since Existence Divine includes all, it means that good and bad as we humans judge that to be, is included. Existence Divine does not mean only ‘infinite good’ or ‘infinite consciousness’.
We know from experience that ignorance, unconsciousness and limits to what we do know, exist as well. This way ‘the infinite good’ exists as a subset to Existence Divine and is ‘present’ within it.
We now come to a place where ‘robustness’ comes in. It is that we need to acknowledge the full range of what we encounter in our existence as humans. What we must not do is ignore what we do not feel as acceptable, or exclude that of which we do not approve. This would mean that we are prejudging and so biasing our reference frame work, which leads to distorted views and unequal standards. These in turn, result in inadequate policies and decisions from which conflicts will arise.
Conflicts and particularly violence, tell us that something has been overlooked - inadequacy - and that we need to make corrections. This can be achieved by means of adopting a more comprehensive view, which will now include views, values and conduct previously excluded, when we were not ‘robust’ enough to consider the unacceptable.
This last consideration does not mean that we approve of views, values and conducts of others, but rather that we need to acknowledge their existence and find ways of bridging the gaps that both sides are facing.
How to tolerate the intolerable on either side is a difficult challenge…
How to tolerate the intolerable on either side is a difficult challenge to face and resolve, but its pay-off is in the increase of the diversity in our human existence.