, Friday. Overcast and almost cold.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Visiting recycling and forgotten news:


~~Reporting my recycling habit, friendly dinner and lost plane news lost.~~

Yesterday evening was nice and sunny, but the day had been cool. I came home at around six pm from my visit to Juliet. Not much computer work, but we like to converse and Juliet cooks a meal, while I do little errands for her. Maybe we can manage a walk next week, as the weather forecast holds a good promise.

On the way over to Juliet I went by the bins to drop of my recyclables and handed the worthies - those with deposit values - to one of the street collectors, who often hang around there. This saves me a trip and gives them some easy money.

Yesterday also, I was musing about how reports about the missing Malaysian airplane have completely disappeared from the news, even though the search has resolved nothing and is still going on.

The last bit of news, on the ‘wire’ for half a day last week, mentioned the arrest of about twelve (12) suspects in Malaysia. Only Trouw and RT posted this bit for no more than a day and pulled it. I suspect that the arrest was a political cover for the Malaysian government, like a decoy news item to smother the story.

This aft I meet up with Don at Kingsland where we have a coffee and a chat. Don is busy with his plants, garden and cooking, but we may explore our bird farm visit up Lacombe’s way.

Writings: Summary and conclusion on Existence Divine:


~~The TPPC principles are applied to personal and collective experience and related to the human ‘god image’. Existence Divine reveals in the diversity of the human experience.~~

Returning to yesterday’s topic of ‘Existence Divine’, I want to make a two point summary at this time. The firstly regards the condition of time, place, people and circumstance and the second relates to the variation in the experience of the ‘god image’ or ‘higher power’.

The defining parameters of time, place, people and circumstance can now be considered applicable collectively - the community - as well as personally - the individual. When we as conscious humans confront the mystery of all of the rest of existence, we interact with this mystery in our human realm of experience.

This interaction at the boundary of our known world of experience with this mystery in which we are embedded and part of, results in the experience of the new idea, insight, revelation or new awareness.

This boundary experience constitutes an increase in consciousness awareness - new knowing - which then must be examined as to its nature and tested against traditions, which today include the sciences, established and fringe.

The importance of the foregoing two points, lies in the fact that we now have a description of the process of interaction between our limited human conscious awareness with the mystery of all that we do not know, but in which we knowingly exist as participants within our human realm

The reason for calling the totality of existence, ‘Existence Divine’ is that it will always be autonomous in the way we experience it, due to our own limited capacity. That limitation is, in turn a precondition to being conscious in the first place, as only this separate existence allows for that tension in which consciousness arises in order to resolve it - the tension that is.

Relating to the principles of time, place, people or person and circumstance is the type of ‘god image’ that emerges in the human experience. This ‘image’ is born from the interactive process between the limited and the unlimited as we humans experience this in our way of consciously being in this world of our experience.

The ‘god image’ emerges such as to support, encourage and guide us through the symbolising the principles that it holds for us, at anyone time. It are these type of symbols - as described in the traditions - which we hold the highest regard and name as holy. This image of ’the most high’ constitutes our highest ideals that we hold and to which we strive - as runners in the race- as puts it in the New Testament.

Finally, we recognise in this existence our human place within this mystery, which is knowable, albeit in part but evolving - ’s becoming- without end. The immensity of the totality of this existence is revealed in the tremendous diversity of our own human traditions, experiences, discoveries and evident in the world we know about.

This we should do in tolerance of each other’s contributions, since no one holds the final word.

Humanity in the diversity of its traditions, old and new, brings into expression and experience the immensity of Existence Divine, which cannot be limited to just a few traditions cast in time, but can only become knowable through a continuous process of unknown diversity expressed and made known.

To us humans, such diversity is overwhelming and confusing, requiring piecemeal and gradual revelation as we make our discoveries and seek our way forward. This we should do in tolerance of each other’s contributions, since no one holds the final word.

Daily Entry: 2014-05-16

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