, Wednesday. Overcast with rain and cool temps.,

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Social visits seniors tea and feedback question:


~~Morning and evening coffee visits combine with writing and Jack’s question on intended audience.~~

Last evening my friend Shirley called for a coffee and a walk, which we did at our favourite spot, Glenmore Landing. The sun was fine, but the temp with the wind made it coolish, so we had a long and amicable chat over our coffees at Good Earth Café.

All in all it was about two hours plus when I got home at 9:15pm. So, thanks Shirley for your suggestion! Last night I made some more notes for my writings, which I’ll report below.

Yesterday morning Ron and I had a lively conversation at Sebastian’s. Ron mentioned some travel plans to the East, which reminded me on our nice stop at Fort Qu’Appelle. As I mentioned this to Ron, I recalled the Geographic Trans-Canada book that we were following back in 1973 moving west to Calgary. I promised to lend it to him, if I could find it and I did.

It is full of background information and I realised how little, perusing through, I ever read in it. I also recall a related travel guide that we actually used for travel, but I don’t have a clue where that one is. Ron’s birthday is the one before my older sister’s, making them both Gemini - the twins and congrats to you both!

The Senior’s Tea consisted of presentations by Alberta and the Federal government departments on financial support for seniors. Well done and informative that the were, they made for a long sit from one to four pm, but with a good break and goodies.

You would need a consultant to make good use of all this info, because the rules are complex and many. It was too much for just a short presentation without handouts.

<9:13am; time to do yesterday’s skipped shopping walk! Now at 10:15am the coffee has been consumed with bought cookies and milk, all brought home just before the rain started up! Such timing! No?

Upon returning from my coffee with Ron yesterday, a message from Jack awaited me. We connected an hour later over the phone as we worked through some of my daily entry writings - May 09, 14, 15 and 16. I’d asked Jack for comments on these, to which he has graciously agreed.

Jack reads ‘things’ quite differently from me, in that he asks how you would apply all this in your daily affairs. This surfaced right away in our phone conversation, when he asked me what audience I had in mind with these writings. That question I had to leave unanswered, since I have no definitive description of such audience.

Now, his question has me thinking about this and what my aim is with this conceptual search. I know it is coming to a close as I mentioned some days ago, reporting on this awareness of the end of my search.

At this stage, I have to add the formulation of a purpose, the intended audience and the overall objective. The latter reminds me of the word and concept ‘eschatology’, which addresses that very notion and about which I am writing more below.

Writings: Notes on an overall perspective:


~~Notes explaining the overall objective of this framework and its purpose.~~

I have two topics to write about in this section. First are the notes from last night and this morning and second is the notion of the audience and the overall objective with which I closed the above diary section.

Notes from last night and this morning:
Last night’s notes:
ADD: at 10:40pm.
Remember: The idea that each Rel’n [Religion] is an expression of E D [Existence Divine] and that each Rel’n is left as is, but the idea of ED is added to each to provide a connectedness, leaving in place each tradition, but making making a connection between them.

Such a functionality needs a method, principle, category that existence theological systems do not have. Central must be the teachings of tolerance and mutual validation. This requires a new teaching/ ‘dogma‘? that addresses the way this function[s] for the individual and community.

Tolerance Principle’ … this is too passive. [Hence:] + cooperation. Common, Shared Identity, newly forged identity of all humankind based on common origins and journey.

ADD: 2014-05-28 Wed.
Dogma, Doctrine, Teachings aims at pulling together (Tolerance) + aim of ‘Unified’ Humanity in Identity.

P.S: During my coffee this morn I consulted my Thick Oxford, which says: Dogma - by authority of the church usually, Greek root: Opinion. Doctrine ~ teaching or system of such.

And aside:
So, doctrine is over dogma, though all of it could be a system of opinions, but then much of science is also, but verified often by experiment and measurement. But, we know that beauty and wetness can be verified, but remain difficult to measure.

My point here is that we can agree on much as humans, without being able to measure it. So, verification is necessary, but measurement is not for theological doctrines and teachings. Which of these you make a dogma is a matter of opinion.
<11:00am, lunch.

Topic two: Audience and overall objective.

Preamble: In away I already formulated an outline of this topic in the notes as reported under topic one. To be continued.

Daily Entry: 2014-05-28

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