Last night I printed and read the daily entries for the last two days after I had posted them. Yesterday’s - the final four concepts - was quite long. I was afraid that is rambled too much, but upon my reading it, I felt that it was more or less on target. It said what I aimed to express, albeit that some points need to be cleared up.
This morning I awoke with the notion of that I need to address Jack’s question about audience and combine that with purpose. In other words for whom am I writing this and for what purpose? That is what I want to make clear now, not as the first stone laid, but as the wedged keystone placed, closing the arch of the framework!
9:49am, coffee first and on I go at 10:01am>
Do we know what we are doing in our modern globalising world or are we stumbling along propped up by crooked creaking old canes?
My question from early this morning is: ‘Do we have an adequate understanding of our human situation today?’ ‘Do we understand the significance and nature of the processes that are playing out on our planet at this time?’ If we don’t, our so perceived solutions and subsequent actions will make things worse.
We have come from humble beginnings and been quite successful with the tools and frameworks of the past. These are the products of a much simpler time, albeit that many adaptations were made over time. That process though was natural, but not deliberate.
Today we must consciously address the sufficiency of the true and tried, setting about to deliberately modify our present situation in areas such as: adequate distribution of health, wealth, safety and opportunity, to name a few.
In addition there is the way power is held and distributed at this time. In today’s conflict zones we still discern the old jockeying for one particular influence sphere with another. There are several groups playing on this lack of a coordinated power policy for the whole planet, causing much suffering and destruction.
The conviction that this influence sphere or that state system is best and must dominate is still prevalent. To me that is old hat and now constitutes a misunderstanding of our present situation. That situation is far too complex for the old rivalries to lead to a solution, but instead lead to wasting our resources, if not destroy what we - as humans - have accomplished.
This process is playing out in Syria right now, with the powers that have the power being caught in a stand-off framed by outdated particularised power relationships. It is these old relationships that must be recast into a cooperative relationship, aimed at stopping and preventing such disasters from taking place, while instead preserving and enhancing our human heritage.
In short we must update our global power policy such as to benefit all of humankind and not just some particular quarters. For this we need a framework of reference for our human experience and this is the aim of my writing on this topic.
“Do we know what we are doing in our modern globalising world or are we stumbling along propped up by crooked creaking old canes?” That is the question we need to answer for ourselves as humankind and to this purpose I write on my topic “A Framework for Human Experience.”
Formulating my purpose in this manner defines my audience as well.