Over the weekend, that is Friday and Saturday, I worked out two new aspects in contemplation. That is, I forged from sense experience and awareness into a concept, which I could put into words and give a description. This is a creative process like composing a painting, jamming for music. What comes closest is the composing of a poem, which is what I do very occasionally, so I know that process.
This time on Friday I was sensing a subtle awareness about a ‘still small voice’ that made its presence felt. So, I validated it, giging it time and space to better sense this experience and hold it in attention. These processes are slow and wash in and out like the tide of the sea. I have to stay with these variations, which is almost like I am scanning its intended content of which I must become aware.
The end result for this inner awareness sense on Friday was that at times, we humans can experience a sense of being interconnected to all that exists. For me this occurs now later in my life, while I am concentrating less at establishing my self in society and more at developing an understanding about life and existence.
This interconnectedness is also a fact of life in radiation physics, which reports that we live in a sea of radiation, shooting particles and all kinds of fields. Just think of radio for example! My contention is that we can sense some of this, but we have to learn to focus and distinguish. This is part and parcel of our human conscious awareness continuing to develop without drowning into whirlpool of sense awareness. One step at the time, is the adage here.
Once you have established a little sense awareness of this interconnectedness, you can start trying it out and modify it. People that have abilities in this field as practitioners can teach you by means of demonstration, as I was shown by ‘my’ aura reader at my explicit request, back in May of 2 000.
So, there is interconnectedness and we can become aware of some of this, carefully and without becoming distracted from our main task as human beings, which is to live our human lives, exploring, discovering and adding to it.
Exploring interconnectedness in and purpose of my life, with age.
On Saturday I felt an inner urging to formulate the life purpose for myself in a comprehensive way by combining what I have learned about myself. The latter was a long process stretching over several years, starting with my very first awareness, about being borne into this dark place. This I mentioned earlier this year.
Starting with this very first memory, I then pressed on to all the other ‘episodes’ and experiences that were like solitary lighthouses throughout my life up until this passed Saturday. Following my urge, I strung these experiences and memories all together and tried to make some sense of my collection.
This processes, which was a push process and not a receiving one like the one on Friday, resulted in the following realisation. I have been engaged in discovering method to update the existing frameworks of beliefs and religions.
This means keeping the handed down traditions and aiding in their adaptation to our times. This is a matter of urgency and necessity. The present frameworks have become inadequate, insufficient and are causing conflicts that can be avoided by adapting to our newly forming global and complex societies.
For myself then, my task is to formulate a method for such an objective by using my knowledge, experience and ability, while realising that it is just one contribution among many. This is where this sensing of the interconnectedness comes into the picture, we are all working on this project together with many others.
My old dream image comes to mind again, where I with others, are unearthing this large Mayan-Aztec calendar stone. We work in isolation in this dream, but now we can become interconnected in our socialising world and work together.
<8:43am and 9:51am~