I did not make a daily entry for Monday and Tuesday. On Monday morning I was busy with sorting out the daily entries that pertain to my topic ‘Framework for Human Experience’. These are the entries from April 08 - just after my talk on Tolerance - to include the May 30th entry as the last.
I also did some work on the collection of the writings for that set of entries and printed the some of for my coffee talk with Jack at one pm last Monday. As it turned out Jack had covered the whole collection and not just the four I’d mentioned to him. This I much appreciate Jack, so take a deep bow from me!
Jack had made extensive notes and I made note as he explained those to me, giving me a copy as well to take. Jack gave me very valuable feed back for over an hour, as our exchange developed with remarks and replies back and forth.
Once home, I was well motivated to further structure the ad hoc collection of writings. Most of the afternoon and evening was spent on making a list of writing titles, thirty three (33) of them. Using this list I am now arranging the writings by topic and in this way also make a first list of topics for my eventual essay or monograph possibly.
Yesterday was shopping day at Safeway’s where I spent about eighty (80) dollars this time, but I still have to get my produce at DJ’s, so I’ll be topping the one hundred mark most likely.
Yesterday, I spent most of my time on transcribing Jack’s written comments and mine to the computer. I find this more effective than just reading them over. I also worked some more on my topic lists, trying out different combinations and created a content list for the collected writings with relating page numbers, so as to find entries and topics efficiently. And I completed a spell and grammar check for the now fifty pages.
Looking in my Webster’s I don’t find a resolution of this ‘spell checker‘s dispute‘
As an aside I just noticed that my MS Works Word Processor wants I’ll for I shall, while Word 2010 wants I’l, preferring the ingle letter L! Looking in my Webster’s I don’t find a resolution of this ‘spell checker‘s dispute‘! The Oxford will be next and then may be the internet!
I also did some desk cleaning since most of my flat surfaces are now occupied and I nee to start making preparation for my summer holiday. Coffee with Jon this aft and a personal hair haircut, not the banker’s type.