Today is JUNO day for Canada, being the day that Canada’s forces fought their way into France at Normandy seventy years ago. At seventy this is maybe a good age to take our leave from all the hoopla and posturing by people who experienced none of those events.
We should simply commemorate that event and its suffering so tragically framed by our human perceptions and ideologies of that time, as lessons learned. In the last few days we have been informed about battle and hunt of a hunter who killed several RCMP officers. There we have an individual rather than a society in battle fatigues, but a tragedy about human perceptions all the same.
Last Wednesday was busy for me after lunch. A haircut - 15$$ - at one pm, was followed by a tea for two (5$), with John at half past and then came the purchase (95$$) of my yearly transit pass. Next was a stop at the open air jeweller, who shortened the wristband of my watch by two links for 5$$.
On, up the mall, to the AMA office where I spent 116$$ for my yearly membership fee. Finally a stop on the way home at ShelfLifeBooks, which cost me 17$$ for my book selection titled ‘Red Nile’ - a biography … - by Robert Twigger, just out that very day in paper back.
Still, in the evening I had yet to get printer ink cartridges - black and three colours - which set me back another sixty four (64) bucks. An expensive day all together, yet satisfactory too in that I am able to afford such expenses.