As I listened to Herman speak on ‘Why are we Here’ last Sunday morning, a new insight emerged in my awareness about the secularity stage I went through for several decades. This secularity period started in my late teens with the realisation that the idea of the personal God the Father and his Son did not exist as persons somewhere beyond my own world of experience.
However, I did maintain the conviction that a higher power of some sort did exist, if only to counter balance the human tendency to scale the heavens. In other words, I never believed that existence was limited to just human awareness and experience. Nevertheless, the experience of secularity for me was a lonely existence, where I as an individual faced the vicissitudes of human life.
My new realisation last Sunday was that this coping with the mentioned loneliness has resulted in the realisation that there does not have to be an overall ordering concept such as the Universal Mind. A concept like that is a human invention and not necessary since it is we humans who are discovering that some aspects of existence can be ordered. This is our discovery and is not something pre-imposed.
The difficulty with the overall ordering universal mind concept is that one then has to ask about its origin and how it got to know all it is thought to know. A second problem is that we know that not all things can be described in an orderly fashion. For example, we know of the existence of phenomena that are chaotic – the weather, random – the dice throws and of some which are unexplainable.
This mystery I have called Existence Divine, which includes all that exists, a mystery knowable in part.
I find it more satisfactory and also simpler to accept that existence is a mystery that is knowable in part, but is not known in a comprehensive way. This mystery I have called ‘Existence Divine’ which includes all that exists, a mystery knowable in part.
This does not preclude the possibility the experience of a ‘God the Father’ since Existence Divinecan be known in ways that are most suited for the person or people at any one time, place and circumstance. This can be experienced by that human in question, as the All-knowing God of his or her tradition. Humanity has a long history of revealed truths and directions, changing with time and place, as is recorded in the down traditions.