, Thursday. Overcast with rain.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Tablet coffee and wordpro progress:


~~Coffee with Elisabeth, testing my tablet and working with comments in ms-word.~~

Elisabeth and I met for coffee and a long chat yesterday at ‘Waves’. She had brought her book to do some reading after I’d left, but we first related about our lives’ events. I showed her my Atab, which impressed her in that I’d made such a move computer wise, but found it too heavy, which to me means quality and solidity.

I managed to locate Shaw-Open, but my stylus would not operate in the narrow sign up slot preventing me from making the connection. Also, working with just the tablet in the cafe setting was not all that easy.

A well designed stylus is required and may be a carrying case as well. I am surprise that there are that many aspects in learning to work a tablet, physically as well as with the user interface.

I made good progress with my essay comments, which I made to line up in a vertical display, but which I could not get to print. I copied all twenty nine to a separate document and printed the resulting list giving me a handsome overview of the central aspects of my essay. This overview will allow me to compose an outline for the composition of the essay.

Last night studying this list of items, I came upon a guiding principle or theme if you like. It will be ‘a framework that is handed down, but now must be adapted to our interrelating world traditions’.

In short: adaptation of the frame work for human experience from the old and familiar, to the new and required. This theme will need to be tested for workability, but it is my fulcrum for now.

Writings: Recalling professional methodology:


~~Sufficiency, discrepancy and other concepts from math and my studies emerge to illuminate framework requirements.~~

A few forgotten ideas surfaced this morning as I was recalling the comment list of twenty nine (29) items. They are: necessary and sufficient, being over determined and discrepancy. These are all concepts to which I was introduced when studying Surveying and Mapping as that was called then, Geomatics now.

I could write many pages on this, but I just want to outline the applicability of these concepts to a belief framework. Each such experience and/or belief framework must address necessary aspect – order and origin, sufficient – death and suffering, peace, love and violence.

By addressing such aspects as peace, love, identity and violence in the human community, discrepancies and contradictions arise. Love your neighbour, but your enemy in all cases? Such contradictions need to be addressed, but just how do you do that.

In formulating a framework for human experience then, we must expect discrepancies, misfits, conflicts and contradictions, …

In my mentioned studies I was taught about methods based on the principle of minimal and evenly distributed adjustments removing the contradictions in measurements results. This illustrates two principles, first you must address the discrepancies, not ignore them and second, you must find an equitable way of making changes such that the measurements fit the working model.

The above science based method is an illustration of finding a conscious way of dealing with the problem of things not working out as they should – of not fitting the model. What I suggest here is, that we address our societal and global power problems also in a conscious manner and avoid the solutions where we deploy force to make things fit, but not work!

In formulating a framework for human experience then, we must expect discrepancies, misfits, conflicts and contradictions, which require the incorporation of conflict resolution mechanisms. This in turn must be based on the values of mutual respect and honouring of differences, based on reasonable accommodation, such as defined by the Quebec inquiry ca. 2005
<9:50am and 10:20am~

Daily Entry: 2014-06-19

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