Yesterday I looked up Juliet again and helped her with her ‘story’, of which seven chapters are now complete and two more written ones awaiting redaction. However, there are is more to come, as there are yet unwritten chapters as well!
In the mean time, I am practicing my newly learned skills with this extensive document of Juliet. This I did last night adding an interactive table of content, defining headings, replacing unwanted tabs with indents, styling the quotes from poems and inserting page numbers. I also added the dynamic version of the path and filename of the document in the footer; dynamic, because it will update it self when I change the filename
Altogether this took me about an hour and a half to get this done, which includes time for “redo’s” and try outs on account of my yet shaky skills. Now I can start applying this to my own document, the essay of the “Framework for Human experience”. Writing of which, I now have the headings more or less defined in my head and these in turn will define the content areas.
My addendum is: Of the unknown unknowns there are many, of the known unknowns there are few and of the knowns some are misleading, others are useless and while very few are helpful and the leader must know the difference or act that way.
This morning I came up with an addendum to Donald Rhumsfeld well known saying, which says paraphrased: “There are knowns, there are unknowns and then there are unknown unknowns.” My addendum is: “Of the unknown unknowns there are many, of the known unknowns there are few and of the knowns some are misleading, others are useless and while very few are helpful and the leader must know the difference or act that way.”
I have another piece of political wisdom this morning; my cup floweth over! This one is my take on some presidents of the USA. I always try to find one defining feature of each; here goes: Kennedy inspired the nation, Johnson implemented, built bridges, Reagan recognised peace, Bush the son overreached and Obama recognised limitations. That’s it.
This aft, tea with John and maybe some shopping at the Bay for a summer outfit, after which I will go on to Juliet for a work and social visit. I may also stop by at the Source to look around for a tablet case. No writing for today, as I want to get on with my framework essay.
<9:29am and 9:45am~