Last week Tuesday after the said coffee at Waves with Elisabeth, I completed my errands in paying the Enmax bill and appealing the parking ticket at City Hall. I did some more shopping reconnoitering and then went home, using train and bus.
Wednesday morning was spent on a trip to my Credit union, to update my affairs there. The afternoon visit with Juliet was cancelled by her, which gave me some extra time to dig out the luggage. On Thursday I gave Elisabeth a ride to Phil’s who had fixed her car a bit and from there onto the Credit Union again to check my card number [phone call from Els and we said ‘tot ziens’!]. On the way there, the rear window mechanism broke down with the result that I had to book my car in with Harper’s to get it fixed on Friday.
Thursday at one pm I met up with Don at Kingsland and from there by transit to Juliet for our last computer session and dinner until later this season. On Friday I dropped the car off at 8am, then walked to Chinook LRT to go down town where I did the bulk of the remaining shopping and returned home at noon. In the late aft I picked my car up again at 5:30pm with its window fixed and my wallet flattened by 400$$!
Saturday I spent getting ready and lining things up for packing. On Sunday it was my regular meet with friends at the Palliser and many good wishes until we meet again. For the aft, Sarah had invited me over to say hello to her parents who arrived a few days ago. That is always a good visit and we renewed old ties, though I will only see them for one evening before I go. In the evening I finally managed to formulate the write up for my November talk, which I’ll note under today’s Writings.