Today I want to dolaundry, which I’ll start within a minute, but I first wanted to make a start with the Diary of today. So, I’m off, but will return. And here I am again at 8:40am with thirty five counts to go for the next load. There will three small loads today, but two seemed to be too tight.
Later this aft I intend to wash my car, stop by at the ME-coop – still – and possibly at the copy place. At around five pm I’ll be making to meet Sarah’s parents and family for supper. I want to show Rudi my Apad and blue tooth key board, which I suspect he’ll like.
Yesterday I walked around Chinook, but it does not have a good gift store. Then it was on to meet with Thomas at Glenmore Landing for a coffee. We chatted for about an hour catching up, while he also showed my some photos of their new trailer site location. “How does it compare to the previous one, Thomas?” “Better!” No more needs to be said, the more so since they moved heaven and earth in order to stay where they were before. It is amazing how vital Thomas and Gabriella are and remain, but they do watch what they eat carefully.
How does it compare to the previous place, Thomas? Better!
On the way back from this coffee I had a quick look for a gift at the Heritage Park shopping area. The calendars of the old steam trams and trains were not there for the year. However, I spotted a small Chinese checkers game with pins and a wooden plank. That one I bought, but kept their dream catcher in abeyance.
When I returned home it was well past twelve and made myself some lunch, after which it was time to make my way downtown to meet John. For this I took the bus, because walking in the heat make me feel a little queasy. This made me a bit early, but I read the Metro. John look well after his holiday and we caught up on our activities. He noticed my being preoccupied, which was on account of the remaining gifts a still needed to get. This I did along Stephen Avenue mall at the Kanata store and the Museum Gift store where I bought a unique dream catcher design. It is not the traditional design but utilizes it incorporating a teepee theme.
I took the Elbow bus back home and had a good snooze until it was time to cook, serve and eat supper! Later on Jack called to tell me about his and Vangie’s holiday in Holland with their daughter. In spite of some challenges, they had a good visit to several museums and not to forget, ‘Schier Monnik Oog’, which translates as Gray [sheer] Monk’s Islet’. Time for the next load and the next one due at ten am.
And that more or less sums up my activities of yesterday. Except that my credit card is inconsistent in having its pin number accepted in various places. This is not what I would expect, but some cashiers say this is not uncommon.