, Friday. Veiled sun, warm, windless and almost ready for my journey.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Preparations and friendly dinner:


~~My day is spent getting ready for my trips and followed by on evening with friends on deck with dinner and stories.~~

Yesterday was busy, but satisfactory in that all my objectives were achieved. These comprised dropping off the bottles, stopping at the ME-Coop for my pouch, washing the car and making copies for Jeltsje from my ‘The Cathars’. And I got my credit card problem resolved as well, after the pre-lunch laundry event.

At around five pm I joined Sarah and BJ with family for supper on the deck in our mild Calgary evening this year, which are quite rare. Rudi showed me all the antique cars he photographed when in Holland on the European Antique car meet near The Hague. It is the old memories and feelings that he values about this activity, which engrosses him so much he told me when asked.

BJ and Sybil prepared a very tasty ‘lemon chicken’ dish with fries and salad. All accompanied with stories, jokes and entertainment by the two year old Alec. It is a treasure to have such friends in my life, which began so unobtrusively as friendly neighbours on their local wedding day, right here where I still live.

Today I want to clean house a bit and line up the last packing items in preparation for departure time, but I think I may do this in reverse order since the cleaning up can be done in the evening.

Writings: Thankfulness shared:


~~After eight years of Existence Divine as a guiding principle I share and explain its value to me.~~

A short note on ‘Existence Divine’ and its significance for me and to me in my life. It was in 2006 when preparing for my talk ‘In Search of the Sacred’, that I experienced the insight as a reality that ‘the sacred is everywhere’.

After some further contemplation and ‘work’, I came to the insight that existence is not just existence by itself, which might be dispensed with as just a lot of work. When I attempted to do so by entering the notion of ‘non-existence’, I was stopped by: “But, it is Divine”.

This I forged into ‘Existence Divine’ as a defining idea, acknowledging that existence and divine are defining of our human experience. Existence is what we get to know confronting the mystery divine in nature as we name that; two human concepts framing our experience world.

This morning, eight years after this very beginning, I became aware of a sense of thankfulness as this concept has guided me in the interpretation of the many world events in our globalising world today. It gives a place to each happening as being valid without being judged.

That judgement comes later, after the intent, impact and functionality of the happened event has been evaluated as to its nature. This means that we consider both, blessings as well as disasters being in disguise, remembering that our judgement as to what is good and what is evil is a human construct. Consequently in turn, this judgement must be tested against our known traditions right up to the present.

This manner of evaluating has enabled me to maintain an attitude of suspended judgement and not follow the preformed opinions of media and politics, which have their predefine agendas informed by local interests. No power is ever given up voluntarily, even though its continuation stands in the way of renewal in the form of say ‘equitable distribution of wealth’.

Such processes of change always involve offensive as well as defensive forces and actions. We just have to learn to manage those in such a way as to bring about the change that is necessary and hold off the plain power grab. Women’s rights is a good example of both these aspects of effecting and affecting change.

Delaying my judgement and turning over the happening like a diamond, evaluating its facets is a helpfull skill to acquire I have found and I am thankful for that opportunity having come my way.

I like to close by returning to my feeling of gratefulness about this valuable guiding principle of accepting all this is and comes into existence. Accepting existence first with judgement suspended, allows me to evaluate today’s events as to their possible contributing value in the overall framework of ‘Existence Divine’. I keep in mind that at first sight this new happening may not be that welcome, while some other event should be held off, all though it is familiar and fits the mould.

Delaying my judgement and turning over the happening like a diamond, evaluating its facets is a helpfull skill to acquire I have found and I am thankful for that opportunity having come my way.

Daily Entry: 2014-08-08

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