, Monday. Sunny and mild with fall colours in full display.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Musings on travel writing and server switch:


~~The affects of my trip examined, memorabilia dusted off, a monograph considered and interrupted web postings.~~

Today is more or less a regular start after my return from Holland where I spent six weeks with my family. This was a very memorable visit, differing from all those before in that I connected with almost all members of my family. The impact of that took some time to settle in and did not really hit me until I was preparing my return to Canada. Once there the impact reverberated for some time, even until today. That is, I am still working on getting the photos lined up and as well, plan to visit Derrick in relation to my family visit.

The impact of that took some time to settle in and did not really hit me until I was preparing my return to Canada.

Another outcome of this family visit is that I must become serious about all the memorabilia that are still laying around from ten-plus years ago. I never succeeded in this clean up and now I know why. It is that I left untouched the most painful part of that leaving when I said good bye to my dear friend Hiltje eleven years ago.

We had been partners for four years and though we cared much for each other, our roots were too separated by time, space, family and experience. Last week I have sorted the most personal part of these memorabilia and so made a beginning.

The third aspect that has become clear is that I need to put into words my belief framework in a little monograph of between fifteen to twenty thousand words. I have an example in little monograph on The Spirituality of Tolerance.

I realise that I too must make a statement about what I belief after a life time of searching, reading, examining and yes finding!

I am also motivated by listening to Herman’s tapes from his five ‘The Examined Life’ presentations last August. It is not that I agree with his views so much, as that I realise that I too must make a statement about what I belief after a life time of searching, reading, examining and yes finding!

Later on today, brunch with Rene, followed by a coffee with Jack and then the start with the oldest part of my memorabilia for the afternoon. And I must not neglect to make a neighbourhood walk with all the fall colours to enjoy on this nice day.

What is not working still is the switch over that my provider ‘Chinook Webs’ is making from Telus to Rogers. That is, my website remains inaccessible for the uploading of my web page files. My patience is starting to wear thin after two failed instructions that are not all that clearly conveyed.
<ca. 9:30am.

Daily Entry: 2014-10-06

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