This morning I mused about the time it takes me to get to my station - typing at my computer to write my daily entry - now in retirement, versus when I still worked. Today I got up at 7-am and did my daily routine which includes about thirty minutes of light exercises. This is followed by breakfast, coffee and some heat treatment for my leg muscles at this time. All is closed off with the brushing of teeth and creaming my face and hands.
All this took about ninety minutes this morning. In that same time I would be in class ready to start work with the students at eight - usually - when I was still working. What a difference in the cadence of my life I mused, comparing these different morning routines. The half hour of exercise now, would be used for driving to work back then!
Last Saturday evening Michelle and I went to the ‘Banana Leaf’ at 32 and 32 NE for our ethnic dinner. They treated us to a good ethnic Malaysian serving, which reminded Michelle of her travels and food adventures there.
No reservation, so we went plenty early and even at that, the place was almost full at five twenty pm. We took our time and returned home at around eight pm. The next one is up to Michelle to locate! I’m looking forward to it.
On Sunday I met up with my friends at the Palliser, but our group was small being eight all told. Herman has hurt his leg, which may account for the short talk. He also excused himself from our regular bi-weekly lunch. I hope he is getting some treatment for it, because this has been bothering him for almost a month.
Late afternoon Sunday, Derrick in Victoria with me here, talked me through a Skype sign up. His instructions helped me to circumventing the sign-up to a Microsoft account that windows eight wants you to do. We did chat over skype with video and sound and I even re-discovered my fancy ’Headrush’ headset that I had bought for my tablet, but had forgotten about. It has a tiny inline microphone and earplugs all giving a good quality sound reproduction at both ends. Derrick was quite pleased that we now have this Skype connection established. So am I, with many thanks for his help and patience.
So am I, with many thanks for Derrick's help and patience.
Yesterday I also completed reading Hans Stolp’s book, but I’ll comment on that below under my writings for the day. Today I plan to get into my newly defined routine of entries in the morning for about three days, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, with the other mornings and all five afternoons devoted to sorting, emailing, webwork, housekeeping and visits, plus - not to forget - my regular snooze.
The evenings I plan to devote to study and reading as my next talk for the end of November is now on my horizon. And … I also have to start giving some thought to next year’s talk s topics. At this time I am considering a series on ‘overlooked’ religions such as those of the Mayan’s and African culture, together with the once prominent Manichaeism.