This morning I decided to make a limited daily entry instead of none as planned yesterday, but I will limit my self in the amount of time I use. I have to be done by 9:45am. I’ll then have a coffee break, after which I’ll do my administration and cleaning that is not part of the sorting. I know it’s complicated, but I know what I’m doing. Trust me!
The reason for making even a limited entry is that this type of recounting one’s activities is of psychological value. It is a kind of self-affirmation in the sense of ‘I am present and active’.
I also have noticed from my sorting work that revisiting my earlier activities of bygone years helps me integrate long forgotten memories and emotions, but that still have a motive charge associated with them!
… my personal goal of 'integrating all the experiences and emotions of my presently lived lifetime'
This activity falls under my personal goal of ‘integrating all the experiences and emotions of my presently lived lifetime‘. It relates to my view on re-incarnationas I have formulated this recently some days and weeks ago in my ‘writings’.
Yesterday I managed to upload the entry for that and the foregoing day. To my surprise my old friend Filezilla was available to update my website as of old. I guess my site hoster must have acted on my email, but never let me know.
A conundrum remains in that the catalogue and index files of my own site were gone from my computer’s web folder and yet were present on my host’s site folder. I suspect that I moved these files rather than copied them, when using that unfamiliar interface called ‘cpanel‘.
I downloaded those missing files from the hoster back into my own web folder and proceeded from there. I have almost a dozen entries to catch up on, but at least I have my old functioning work setup again.
The sorting progressed better than expected and I have now a cleaned up dining cum work table in my living room. Its pile moved to my sorting station to be processed today, as the pile intended for today was ‘demolished’ or digested maybe, yesterday!
<9:23am and 9:37 with editing.