, Thursday. Full moon today, but for now I have sun shine, but still no heat since last Saturday night.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Heat visits and recording software:


~~Heat on the radar, dinner at Juliet’s, recording software found and our course on ‘Cosmic Consciousness‘.~~

Yesterday Peter the building keeper arrived back on the scene with a promise that the circulation pump will be fixed and heat restored.

Peter sent a text message to my landline phone, but it came over garbled and unclear due to the low quality conversion software that converts text to voice and v.v.

It was good to see Juliet again who is very busy with her granddaughter, but we caught up a bit with our lives’ activities and she cooked I nice dinner for us. I brought over the five tapes of Herman’s summer presentations on his own beliefs.

I helped her with her Shaw emails on her laptop that somehow do not come to her iPad. It has that closed user interface that is so typical of Apple and I find frustrating compared to the Windows approach.

In the evening I attended our session with Herman, I nice small group of seven all told. This small group size often results in others taking a larger part in the discussion, who remain silent otherwise. I recorded the session using my Panasonic 470 pocket recorder, for which I now have the proper software on my computer.

A phone call to Panasonic customer service made clear that my own old XP-discs were still the ones to use as the basis for the update software. This I did, but I still have not transferred the files from the recorder to my computer. That task remains doing for to day.

Tonight is dinner and theatre night. Dinner with John and then on to Theatre Calgary for the Liberation Days play. It deals with the interaction of the liberated Dutch and their Canadian liberators right after WW-2.

I was just short of nine years old at that time, but we had soldiers from the UK in our area. The Canadians were towards the German border region about fifty km east of my home town Zeist.

It was an unstructured time, the German authority gone, the Dutch one still in limbo and the Military only temporary as every one knew. An interface at a time of transition when there is no accepted authority in place and people are mainly guided by their mores, such as these are in such a fluid state of affairs.

Writings: What you dont know may kill you:


~~Comparing the fate of the dinosaurs with the humans’~~


The theme of the not-knowing Dinosaurs as compared to humans who know more, but also may miss crucial information or attitudes feels like an appealing one, but will still need gestation and circum-ambulation. Therefore I will leave it at this observation and work on it in my head and mind.

Daily Entry: 2014-11-06

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