, Wednesday. River fog, which means cold air coming in from the north and sun later on. No complaints thought!

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Busy day and thoughts on aging:


~~I summarise what I would like to do today and look back on the five years of webwork that lay behind me.~~

This day is well occupied with writing and afternoon visits: Physio, John, the Barber and then the last session of our evening ‘seminar’ with Herman. I plan to walk this aft in daylight and will probably take the bus tonight. On my walk this aft, I want to stop by at ShelfLifeBooks to look for this year’s Massey Lecture publication.

Yesterday aft I marked up six daily entries that covered a period of exactly two weeks and posted them on my site in the evening. My website is a bit neglected since my switch from dot-com to dot-info. It is not that I don’t know what to do, but more that I don’t always feel like the discipline that this requires.

It is now four years ago this past September that I started on my web courses and it is a good thing I did so at the time, because those five courses - html4, css, javaScript, php and html5 - took quite an effort, which I would not do anymore today.

And even the very start of my website in 2009 was something that I would not do any more now. “Forge the iron while it’s hot”, the saying goes and that is the more true as you enter the decade of your seventies, if you have them.

Last night, after going out to get the required magenta ink cartridge for my printer, I printed the writings sections that related to tolerance and Existence Divine. These entries along with notes from my files and my ‘Celestial Planisphere’ notebook will form the raw material for my talk this coming Sunday.

However, I should first complete an outline for this talk, so that I will have a framework for that presentation. I did not follow up on that yesterday, so it will have to be done this morn.

Writings: Tolerance presentation outlined:


~~After much ado, I finally come to the point where I can outline my presentation titled: ‘Tolerate one another …’~~~

Talk frame work:

The whole presentation must be framed by the idea of Existence Divine, even though that does not have to be done explicitly. I could just imply that we need to consider all that exists and occurs and exclude nothing from experience, even though we do not like or approve of it all.
[continuing at 10:08am after a coffee break]
Within this frame at the start and finish I plan the following points in that order:

The idea of the all inclusiveness of what we humans know and experience, even though we do not always like or approve of what is taking place and yet must learn to deal with it in order to cope, resolve and proceed.

1. Our past:
Humanity’s major religions, such as Brahmanism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Western ideologies - as aspects of E-D revealed. That is, as having become known to humankind over time, each with their own unique origin, identity and contribution cum culture according to time, place, people and circumstance (TPPC).

All valid teachings, but lacking a common reference framework that defines a shared origin and assures mutual validation.

2. Humanity present:
The remaining conflicted situation of our cultures today each competing for space, time, resources, recognition and validation of their traditional, taught values and belief frameworks. These are all equally valid, unique and effective, but lacking a common reference framework that defines a shared origin and assures mutual validation.

3. A perspective:
Combine the contributions of each cultural tradition to show the path that humanity walked to its present position separately, but which now has be combined through the exercise of tolerance.

An aside on tolerance: endure, accept, respect, honour, validate, appreciate, like and may be embrace. This is the teaching and discerning process of variety and coping with difference and diversity, which enriches. This can be practiced in the ‘House of Tolerance’ in every local on our planet.

The frame work of Existence Divine within which each tradition is a revelation of the Mystery in which we exist, with humanity making the unique contribution of the knowledge that is ethics, which we reveal on our part in the whole that is this mystery of Existence Divine.
<10:39am and 10:58 with edit.~

Daily Entry: 2014-11-19

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