, Friday. Chinook overcast, no more needs to be said.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Sorting milestone social visits and decorating:


~~All the old boxes have now been sorted as to content, not preventing me from visiting or decorating.~~

On my way out last night I met up with our landlord Peter, who had appeared on the scene after several weeks of absence. We talked a bit as he shovelled some snow, now more than a week after its coming. He travels a lot, but appears to be around in the first week of the month!

During the day on Thursday I brought order to my bedroom table top, mailed a late form and an early cheque. The last of the first round of my boxes now have been sorted through, such that I know at least where is what and have it labelled.

Now comes the second round of throwing out as much as possible, but I should not minimize my accomplishments thus far. This morning a made a stack of all the empty boxes I have, ten in total! Some were empty already, but now they have that status formally!

In the aft I met with Don at Kingsland, where we chatted amicably for an hour and a half. I gave him his birthday card and some macaroons from the Patisserie, which has its first lustrum this weekend; free hot chocolate is being offered. Don is on the way for his trip and I wished him a good journey. He plans to make it his last one after many years.

I have started with the Christmas decorations in my living area with the now traditional ‘silver’ star and a new string of lights.

Today I have lunch with Herman, something we have skipped for about six weeks, but he has recovered some of his mobility now and we’re back to ‘normal’. Tomorrow I plan to visit John and Annie after an hiatus as well, while in the evening Michelle and I are due for our ethnic dinner treat.

I have started with the Christmas decorations in my living area with the now traditional ‘silver’ star and a new string of lights. The kitchen has a star too, but the rest of the decorations are still in the little suitcase that my mother used at one time on a long ago visit. A keep sake in other words. It has a hard shell case, giving perfect protection to the fragile ornaments.

Daily Entry: 2014-12-05

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