, Friday. Overcast with chinook … still!

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Cards dilemma summer notes and curie dinner:


~~Sorting I encounter piles of kept cards, write some observation on my summer in Holland and join Juliet for chats and dinner.~~

None too early today, but I did get up at eight, which is appropriate for a retired person like me. Not only that, I even went to bed just after eleven pm! I’m respecting the age of my body and bless it for all it allows me to do as a functioning and exploring human being within Existence Divine, that mystery. Now 10:00am after a computus interuptus, which took five minutes!

Yesterday I did quite a bit of sorting, getting as far as my Christmas card collection, unwritten ones that is, which is very timely to say the least. I have also many, too many cards that I still have as keep sakes, making me wonder why I keep all those greetings over many years from friends, old and current.

Maybe I should do for those cards what I did for my dresser top drawer collection and make a sort of collage. I still have it and came across it just this week. What I’ll do, is revisit that collection, re-examine it and note what feelings it calls up and their functionality. This will give me a clue as to what to do with all my received greeting cards.

There is a new publication along with that on Impressionism, which temps me sorely! Be quiet!

Yesterday morning I started on my Holland observation report which I had promised to write for Jeltsje. I finished it in the evening and emailed it to her, along with a link to my writings on the Gnostics and Manicheans link to my writings on the Gnostics and Manicheans in the Daily Entry of the ninth this instance.

On Wednesday afternoon I visited Juliet, who I had not seen for weeks. I bought her some groceries and we chatted of old, replaced the black ink cartridge on her printer and culled her emails for her. Together we enjoyed her cooked rice, curie and fish dinner, along with the lovely salad Juliet makes. We always have a good connect and have many friends in common which helps the conversation along.

This aft I plan a trip to the intrepid daughters of the Empire, such as that was, in order to drop off some Christmas related items. The weather is still mild for today and that makes it opportune to do so.

This evening is the reception at the Master’s Gallery in celebration of the Canadians Impressionists. There is a new publication along with that on Impressionism, which temps me sorely! Be quiet! I know I have more books than I’ll ever read from cover to cover, but browsing and grazing does satisfy my intellectual - shall I say - cravings?

Writings: Reasoning about the ratio ethics and human potential:


~~The ratio as an acquired tool and how humans discover the laws of ethics as needed .~~

A short note on “the ratio”. Some groups in the past considered themselves in service of this “ratio”. This is not an attitude I would adopt, because service is to that which rises above the human norms and abilities. I rather see the ratio as a tool for humans to utilise in ordering the world of our daily experience.

As conscious beings, we have learned to be ethical and are still adding to that body of knowledge. It is here that we must often rely on the ratio - that is our ability to reason - since emotions of which we are also conscious, can at time lead us to make wrong or even devastating choices in our personal lives as well as for our human society. As glaring examples let me mention infidelity in personal relationships and the violence motivated by revenge between nations and people, as we have witnessed that with and since the 2001-09-11 destruction of the New York Trade center towers.

I rather see the ratio as a tool for humans to utilise in ordering the world of our daily experience.

It appears to me, as I have been witness to over my now long life, that humanity privately and collectively take actions that appear justified at the start, but turn out to be detrimental in retrospect.

This is how we learn - I should say discover - the laws of ethics that apply to us humans. They are learned and acquired through experience, painfully and must be taught and adhered to in order to make our society function. We humans discover the laws of ethics that we must apply and follow in order to live within the human realm, as we engage in unfolding its potential.

Daily Entry: 2014-12-12

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