, Monday. Dark, cold with snow on the ground, but no wind! Welcome to January of 2015:-)!

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: New activities with old:

 First Left_Hand DigiPad image.  

~~I brag a bit about initiating my new year’s intended activities and report list some social activities.~~

Here I am, bright eyed and bushy tailed as a former colleague of Space Optic in Bells Corners would say, referring to his air force training. And, I’m proud to say, I did make a start with my New Year’s resolution activities. So, hold on for what’s to follow!

Friday night was allotted to the first Maya study session as intended, with the making of some notes as I studied the first pages of Chapter 6, which deals with religion. Saturday morning the vacuum did its duty as I directed the nozzle, which activity was followed by some dusting and cleaning up of my bedroom table.

Sunday morning I walked to and from the Palliser Hotel in minus twenty - not included in my resolutions - to meet up with friends, for our Sunday meeting and good wishes this time around. In the evening I made my first Left_Hand drawing using the Intuos Pro digi-pad and mailed it to be posted.

It appears that a part of my resolution definitely should be to relax and be laid back about my intention, so as to enjoy what I have resolved to do.

And today I start with the first of my three daily entries for this week, but I can feel that I need to relax about this and not turn it into a ‘have to do project’. It appears that a part of my resolution definitely should be to relax and be laid back about my intention, so as to enjoy what I have resolved to do.

Elisabeth phoned on Saturday that she had arrived from her BC family visit, complete with an eight hour lay-over in Revelstoke on account of the pass’ weather closure. Her visit worked out well, even though it was not a panacea as she journeyed by bus and was left with a cold.

Last night Derrick phoned and we talked for quite a while, recalling how he started on his journey of social studies four years ago this January. At this time, the end of it is coming in sight as he will be completing his masters requirements at the end of the summer to come. Here the wish of Godspeed is an appropriate one recalling last Friday’s discussion on the Dutch version of the New Year’s wish of a ‘Voorspoedig Nieuw Jaar‘. That I certainly wish for Derrick in the completion of his chosen sojourn.

This aft, if things unfold as intended, Jack and I will meet for our coffee and tomorrow it will be grocery shopping day again. All that beside the intended activities relating to those mentioned resolutions.

One technical point to note here is that the Left_Hand jpg image file generated with the digipad method is far smaller than the image file generated with photographing the earlier hand drawn pencil and paper work. This will greatly simplify the process of posting the images on my web site in that the files will be small enough to be posted directly without my having to reduce them.
<7:53am and 8:11am.

Daily Entry: 2015-01-05

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