, Friday. Morning light, overcast and mild. The sun barely shone yesterday, maybe it’ll work harder at it today!

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Activities summarised:


~~I condense my diary to get on with my ‘writings‘.~~

Yesterday was taken up by the daily entry, a shopping walk, a note in FieldNotes III (3), a long email to Jeltsje and a phone call to Derrick, all this with eating and sleeping besides. A busy day as you may surmise!

A busy day as you may surmise!

However, the note in my FieldNotes III was about Teachings Two and on this I will expand under writings below.

Writings: Existence Divine Teaching Two:


~~Exploring the uniqueness of the human traditions and its implications.~~

Teaching Two is the first expansion on the idea of ‘Existence Divine’ as described in Teaching One. I made handwritten notes on pages 9, 10, 11 and 12 of FieldNotes Book III, but I will add to that here as well.
Below follows the gist of the notes from the mentioned pages:

Existence Divine Teaching Two:

  1. Existence Divine reveals - is known - through the various religions of humankind, as these have expressed over the ages and continue to do.
  2. The revelations are specific in Time, Place, People and Circumstance (TPPC). This makes each revelation unique, but not exclusively so, as there are others besides.
  3. Revelation takes place today, not being limited to the past, because no human can regulate a process that proceeds from the mystery of Existence Divine. Revelations can be visions, voices, insights, discoveries and other processes that add something new to the experience of being human.
  4. Religions and value systems change with time adapting to changes as they occur.
  5. Each religious tradition of humankind is limited in that it is unique by it self. Therefore it is, when taking our traditions together, that the full extend of the revelation becomes knowable. Through this diversity, the richness of Existence Divine in the realm of humanity is conveyed and revealed.
  6. This process of ‘the more becoming known’ of the mystery is continuous and expanding as we live our existence in all its aspects, constituting a discovery of what is possible.

Each belief frame work, value system, religion or tradition orders this human experience of discovery in its unique way.

Each belief frame work, value system, religion or tradition orders this human experience of discovery in its unique way. This results in a self consistent ordered framework of reference that provides identity to its community and the individual members, together and separately.

Each tradition acts to maintain its own character, just as the human body does maintaining its integrity. Adapting to other values is possible through the process of assimilation, but rejection can also occur when the self consistency of the tradition is put under threat.

A Charge:

As the various unique human traditions come to share influences in today’s global society, we need to be aware of the processes that are in play and guide them with the best of our ability.

This means the allocation of resources, expertise, the exercise of patience and endurance to live and let live in our world. We are now becoming in charge of this process of development that has been natural and unguided by human hands throughout history until recent times.

We can no longer let it happen to us, but must manage our own planet wide development as humankind, guided by the ethics and rules of those unique traditions of humankind.
<9:47am and 10:25am, with coffee!~

Daily Entry: 2015-01-16

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