, Tuesday. Bright and mild, not much like winter this week.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Various activities over two day:


~~Describing a string of activities over two days including a library visit, Elisabeth’s birthday celebration, Maya and Process Philosophy study and sources, breakfast, emails and an AJE interview.~~

Last Sunday I went to the Castel Central library, which had undergone a make over since I last visited it almost two years ago. Things are more open and brighter probably for security reasons with cameras in place and more clean lines of sight.

I had to renew my library card and it too is of a new type and appearance, as is the website and the ordering method. Keeping track of who orders what and when? An open society yes, but also one more monitored, which is a price we will have to accept today.

I did find a few new sources on the Maya and even one on Process Theology as seen by a rabbi! I may be able to use some of the Process Philosophy concepts in my teachings on Existence Divine; I’ll see.

After the library visit I stopped by at Sunterra, where Elisabeth had invited friends for the occasion of a belated birthday celebration. I had never been at this store and it has a surprising upstairs in addition to the ground floor shopping. After some connecting, cheese cake and a coffee I went my way again, walking home where I arrived at 3:45pm. I’d left at 10:15am, so it’d been a good stretch of walking and activities.

Sunday evening I could not get started with my left hand tablet drawings and instead spent time with my new books on the Maya and researched the ideas of Process Philosophy in my various philosophy books. Lucid and meaningful explanations are hard to come by on this subject and I’ll ask Herman for some info on this topic.

Yesterday, Monday, I met with some retired colleagues for breakfast and even met up with my former office mate Jim, who also made an occasional visit, like I do myself.

In the evening I made good progress with the Grube Maya tomb, studying Maya Cosmography, which pattern in repeated in all their space altering activities such from braking a new ‘milpa’ - maize plot - to the laying out of a new city, to this very day. Order in society and a reminder of that throughout its physical realisation including houses, hearths and temples.

He emphasized the need for mutual respect for everyone’s values, when expressing views and opinions.

Later that same evening I sent two emails, which had been awaiting inspiration and opportunity, to overseas friends, to wit Marijke and Sybil. And I watched an AJE interview of an Algerian-French Muslim author on the debate about freedom of expression that has now arisen in various countries and societies.

He emphasized the need for mutual respect for everyone’s values, when expressing views and opinions. However, that does not always sell the news papers, attract viewers or visitors!

Should we then insult in order to make money? That would be placing money over our professed religious or ethical values, as the case maybe. This we do at times, bypassing safety rules when it comes to making more money, with fatalities as a result in some cases - the Westray mine disaster 1996? - comes to mind. Ethics is never far away in human life, nor should it be.
<10:43am with editing~

Daily Entry: 2015-01-20

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