On a Maya New Age:
The Maya tradition knows three ages in which creation attempts were made, failed and were tried again, neither was the creation of humans successful at first attempt. If we combine these retries with the continuity of some Maya religious traditions right up to the present, such as in the use of calendar casting and the use of elementary cosmography, then we see a tradition that has tremendous resilience, more than I have come across in my studies and readings.
Mulling these observations over this morning, it occurred to me that based on this resilience I could imagine a new Mayan creation age. It could start with the idea that Cortez was indeed a Aztec-Maya god, but that neither he nor the Mayan or Aztec priests recognised this at the time.
…it occurred to me that based on this resilience I could imagine a new Mayan creation age.
Moving to the present, with the old long count calendar having run to its pre-calculated end in 2012, a possible new age can be constructed, where the old one failed. Its new task would be the unification of the old Mesoamerican empires that never resolved their feuds in that old, failed age.
The divine symbol of this new age would now bring about this unification in this a new age, enabling the Maya-Aztec to go forth and continue into our modern world, contributing to it with their rich traditions.
I’m not applying for this position, but I am suggesting it as a possible revelation cum insight, that could renew a tradition that is rich in history and has survived tremendous adversity.
Such a new insight and application could serve as an example or narrative for our feuding human traditions in our world today. A Mayan saviour? Don’t dismiss it, many things are possible in the mystery of ‘Existence Divine’.
Second Teaching addendum:
Each human religious tradition as we know them today, combined with the tradition of modern science are revealed expressions of the mystery Existence Divine, each in its own right. That is the Second Teaching as defined before.
To this I want to add that each tradition has its own definitions and formulation about good and evil, creation, human redemption , community rule and future expectations.
These aspects are more formally dealt with in structures of Theodicy and Theology, which has concepts that are quite general in nature and can be applied to any ideology or religion. In my view even dialectic materialism or communism could be successfully analysed and categorised using these mention structures.
So I am including these two structures - Theodicy and Theology - with the Second Teaching as a formal addendum.
Initially, I had considered combining the mentioned Theodicy and Theology as the Third Teaching, but that would remove them from their historical background to which they are closely tied. So I am including these two structures with the Second Teaching as a formal addendum.
It justifies the existence of good and evil in a world that is created by a Creator.
It has the categories of Cosmology (cosmogony), existence of humans (anthropogeny), the redemption of humans (salvation), community (divine law), future things (eschatology).
As an example:
‘the Ratio’ in science can be classified as a redemption principle for its adherents; Faith won’t due and is considered heresy in the sciences.
<10:04am and 10:30am~