No entry for yesterday! I was up late and then phoned Els, which took us an hour’s worth of catching up, making it too late to start on an entry. However, we had a pleasant conversation about family, mutual acquaintances and our own activities.
As we are getting older and our friends with us, we both agreed that health and wellbeing become more central in our daily activities, conversations and attention. I said to Els: “We have to learn to age.” It is no use trying to run away from it, some do so literally, nor should we rile against it.
We have to learn to age.
Aging is an experience process that can teaches us many things, if we open ourselves to it. And it does not have to stop us from pushing boundaries, albeit different ones from before, but why not try something new! As our bodies age, we are also being taught that our identity lies beyond the biological body and that there are possibly other ways of being.
Last Friday John I and had dinner downtown and afterwards went on to take in a CPO performance at the Art Centre’s Music Hall. As an aside: I don’t like using all those personal and company names for a venue that the tax payer funded.
The orchestra treated us well to compositions of Van Beethoven and Mahler’s 6Th symphony. The first peaceful one was offset by the very conflicted second piece. It almost seems to foreshadow Mahler’s demise and the tragedy that defined the last decade of his life. In contrast, the deaf Beethoven composed something very peaceful. It was his First Piano Concert with Stephen Hough at the wing, which he played exceptionally.
Saturday and Sunday were spent as usual, except that the weather was so nice as to invite me for an extra Sunday aft walk and a Thai Latte at Savour!
Sunday [laundry load change, next due at 10am.] evening I made a Left_Hand composition, which I’ll includes with today’s entry. Its text says: “Existence Divine includes all there is”, but I used free script to write it, making it painted text if you like. For example, the word ‘includes’ wraps the earlier word ‘Existence Divine’, morphing straight text into an image, enhancing word through form.
This is also practised in classical Arabic script writings, which makes it so interesting with form conveying feeling and value, which the mere alphabetic letter cannot except when read out loud or recited!