, Thursday. Sun up and shining, cool.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Groceries computer scribing and reading Schermerhorn:


~~I relate my visit to Juliet and our transcription process and mention some daily activities at home.~~

Here we are with the end of this year’s first month insight, but a mild one at that, just like the one two years ago, but not last year’s, which was one of the coldest I experienced since coming to Calgary in 1973.

But, Juliet having taught English under Gadaffi - yes -, looks over my shoulder keeping an eye on the spelling by this non-native English speaker!

Yesterday I did some grocery shopping for my self and Juliet, before I went to see her. We worked on getting her ‘My Story’ onto the computer by means of her reading out loud her handwritten text and my typing that into the word processor. But, Juliet having taught English under Gadaffi - yes -, looks over my shoulder keeping an eye on the spelling by this non-native English speaker!

Most of the time the spell checker, which I have on, will help out by self correcting as I go. However, sometimes we come on a name of a flower or place in Pakistan as Juliet tells her story of growing up there.

Then, the spell checker runs out of words to suggest and the dictionary is consulted. It too is limited, so then we just make peace about the spelling and leave it for later. “Oh, my cousin will know what to do.”, is what Juliet then says; this cousin in England will read the document over once it’s finished.

In the evening I posted my daily entry, cruised the web news, listened to CBC news and read in ‘Schermerhorn’, which is a surprising little treasure to read, away from my regular ‘fodder’ of papers and magazine articles and books.

Writings: Integration consciousness and interconnectedness:


~~A threefold way is described, starting with integration, followed by continuity of consciousness, joined together through interconnectedness.~~

Today’s writing needs some forethoughts. Yesterday I had some thoughts and insights that brought together a number of concepts about which I have written separately in the past. Some related to Existence Divine of 2006, but others were based on my personal experiences from the years 1999 to 2003 in Holland mainly, predating that concept by three years.

The idea that came to me yesterday is that some of the results and insights of these two in time separated insights, can well be combined. This I will attempt to do as follows.

My experiences and insights on the mentioned four years in my Old Country led me to the following personal conviction. A person - myself in other words - has to choose the ‘Eigen Weg’ or ‘Own Way’ or path in one’s life. This is some thing we can do at a later stage in our life, which I did having just begun my retirement in 1999.

At that time it became clear to me that I had to make my own choices as I saw them best and live with the consequences. It was like taking the plunge for that morning swim.

A second insight followed soon being the next step on that chosen path, which meant I had to choose for emotional independence. That meant for me then, that I had to deal with events and emotions on my own terms, working things through for myself, not ‘leaning’ on someone else in that process of sorting out.

The third station as it were - I came to these insights one at a time as I worked things through - was ‘Peeling the Onion’. This meant that after having analysed one set of emotions and having given it a place, the next set, one going back in time, had to be examined. In the end I came to a core that I could not give a place, but that is my personal situation.

The fourth stage became the integration of what was processed and peeled off in stage three. This process that takes time of course and is similar to putting the pieces of a puzzle in place as far as that is possible.

In psychology this forth stage activity is often referred to as ‘assimilating content’. This means that the examined memories and emotions become a part of one’s accepted self concept. This takes work and persistence, but is liberating in the end.

It is in this last stage that I experienced a broadening of consciousness in the sense that I had better access to my emotions and was able to discern their significance and hold them in my attention, not pushing them away when they made me uncomfortable. It is an increase in the sensitivity of being aware and understanding something that has been of influence.

This increased ability to discern, allows for the possibility to distinguish feelings within oneself from those that originate elsewhere. It is my experience that I can sense feelings that are not my own, when I analyse felt feelings in a certain situation. For example I can experience sadness, but do I have a reason to be, is there a reminder? If not, then that feeling may not be mine.

This refers back that stage of peeling the onion, when you ask “Why do I have this feeling or emotion, why is it so strong or weak and what source do I associate with it from my recalled experience?”

If you cannot place it and have assimilated your own content, then you can recognise emotions and sense experience that are not your own in this life. The flip side of this is that you are now also more conscious about those things that are present. Some may be helpful ideas or insights, while others are best left for what they are and could interfere, hence that barrier mentioned above.

This whole process of integration, increased awareness and access to one’s feelings opens the way to extra sensory awareness if one chooses to explore that road further.

This whole process of integration, increased awareness and access to one’s feelings opens the way to extra sensory awareness if one chooses to explore that road further. The increased ability to recognise one’s own feelings and emotions remains no matter what. How to use it is up to the individual.

So far part one, my old insights and experience with their outcomes described. Next comes the aspect of Existence Divine with its continuous consciousness and how this could fit together with the foregoing increased awareness idea. But first a cup of brew.
<10:20am. 1)below.

1) Addition:
Emotions must be curtailed in the process of becoming conscious of them and placing them. This requires a strength of will to resist being overtaken by them as emotive forces can very well do. This phenomenon I see as the main reason we have limited sensory awareness and limited memory recall of earlier lives lived. Both are confusing when the person involved can not handle the emotive forces associated and will result in confusion at time. So, my view is that humans are a work in progress concerning our ability to be sense aware in an increased manner.

Aspects of Existence Divine.
We humans model using language ideas as we know those and apply them according to their significance to describe and order our world of experience. These language words and concepts are human creations and this must be remembered when we attempt to describe the ‘ultimate things’.

Continuity is an inherent aspect of Existence Divine which includes the processes of that what makes things exist as they emerge, shine and decline. That sequence gives rise to the concept of time and therefore of continuity. Continuity is inherent to Existence as such, since existence cannot, not exist. So, since we experience it as being here, it must always have been, hence be continuous.

I have come to the conclusion that consciousness arises from the one being separate from the ‘all that is’. With the one separates by it self over and against the ‘all else that is’ tension arises, which leads to conscious awareness. So, as long as there is this separation there is consciousness and we humans in the realm of humanity are a part of this, within Existence Divine, which is a mystery as I have explained in teachings one and two.

We can say then that consciousness is continuous, but certainly not limited to the mode of human existence. Our human consciousness is uniquely humanity’s own, be it a work in progress, as we are on our road of discovery in our existence as humans.

Here comes the point of a joining up with the first part of writing from before 10:41am above;
Now it is 11am, time for lunch.
6:24pm, continuing:

To have a clear idea and model of how to fit the above two discussed ideas of first, the assimilated personality and of second, the continuity of consciousness, I want to introduce a third concept, that of ‘interconnectedness’ to make a threesome.

Interconnectedness as I define it is entanglement made conscious. We know that many aspects in our world are interconnected in that they influence each other. We have learned through the sciences that there are laws in some cases that describe that interconnectedness and make it understood. This is the instance of the conscious interconnectedness.

We also know that there are cases called entanglement, where the connectedness is not understood and of other cases where there are known interactions, random or chaotic for example, which cannot be described in detail. Another example of not understood interconnectedness is that of extra sensory perception. This connection has been proven to exist through investigations, but its mechanisms have never been studied.

The case I want to make here is that we humans are interconnected with our world in various ways, …

The case I want to make here is that we humans are interconnected with our world in various ways, albeit that much of that amounts to entanglement as it is not yet understood.

Furthermore, that we can add to our understanding by being more conscious of our own emotional activities, integrating experienced memories and thus lowering the barriers that keep more subtle sense experience and less charged memories at bay, or below the threshold of our personal awareness.

Acknowledging this state of affairs of our human condition at this time, implies that further development is possible and so increase our own conscious awareness by integrating our own emotions and memories. In turn this then opens the door to becoming more aware of our connection to the sense world and the continuity of consciousness in the realm of the human experience.

Taken together we have first the integration of one’s own life experience, which allows for an increased sense awareness of the human world, in turn facilitating access to the continuity of consciousness, as that is present in the mystery that is Existence Divine.
<7:16pm and 8:17pm with the edit!~

Daily Entry: 2015-01-29

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