The calendar image for February is Amsterdam’s ‘Brouwers Gracht’ (Brewers Canal) in a frozen state as has happened in the past, but has not for the last decade in Holland. People skating on its ice, that keeps captive the moored ships along its quays. It’s a more pleasant scene to look at than the stark January image of the ‘Horse of Marken’ lighthouse.
People skating on the canal's ice, that keeps captive the moored ships along its quays.
Yesterday we had a good showing at the Palliser, where we gathered in the oval room this time, with Herman giving us an inspiring message about approaching our own lives. Herman used the elder son’s attitude in the parable of the ‘Prodigal son’ as counter example.
That parable is related in Luke’s gospel chapter 15. Enjoy what life offers you and don’t get hung up on comparing yourself with others, but appreciate what you have. That was Herman’s message and good reminder for us all. It is all too easy at times to feel short changed.
A bit on the late side today, despite of my early retiring of last night. I was very busy last night with the two concepts relating to Existence Divine. Since those were in a latent state of formation I forewent the Left_Hand drawing process that I aim to do during Sunday evenings. I hope to be able to elaborate on those two concepts under “Writings’.
After lunch Jack and I will meet for our monthly ‘coffee talk’, which often ranges far and wide. This week shapes up to be a busy one for me with each day having a designated activity! And after a short coffee break and some phone calls, I’m off to the composition of my Writings.<10:28am.