Yesterday’s coffee with Jack turned in out to be record breaking, lasting for two hours and fifteen minutes. He traced for me his very indirect road to finding his professional calling. I had known it in snippets, but not as a continuous story. He certainly went through a long search and what an experience too, enriching in the end, but not looked for! You have my admiration Jack!
And surprising to me, also was my challenge to identify and define my retirement ’occupation’, so to speak.
But, looking at my own young adult adventure, coming to Canada and trying to find my way, was also quite challenging. And surprising to me, also was my challenge to identify and define my retirement ’occupation’, so to speak.
This took me from 1999 to about 2006, with many twists and turns. So, maybe life is just like that naturally, while the time of the professional career is artificially ’straight’ and confined even!
Jack surprised me by showing me a new book “Science set free” by Sheldrake, whose “New Science” I tried to read back in the 1980-ties, but never could grasp. In it he introduces his theory of ‘morphic resonance’, which I found difficult to understand.
Now I’ll have to give his new book a try, as it comes recommended by my favourite off-beat author, Dean Radin! He is very thorough going as his ‘Conscious Universe’ shows.
Today is Safeway discount day, so I’ll be shopping in minus fourteen weather. All the things we do to safe a bit of money, but my fridge is running on empty and I know that my stomach won’t do that for very long. Moreover I can now buy my allotment of cookies again and my favourite news paper, the Globe’ at ten percent off! So, it won’t be long before I’ll brave the elements.
And also today, I want to prepare my collection of late Sharen pictures for our commemorative lunch tomorrow as we honour Sharen’s friendship and remember her passing and her last birthday, now about a year ago.