, Tuesday. Overcast with fleeting snow and cold temps.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: A last passing and Maya study:


Yesterday my younger sister Tineke called with a ‘message’ she said. “I’ll read it to you!” What followed was an announcement from the local paper’s obituary page, about the passing of the father of my youth friend Barend. I visited him last September at which time he was 104 of age. ‘All I do is go from my bed to my chair in the morning and back again at night’ he told me in his laconic way.

He would have been 105 later this month, but I’m sure that he felt he’d lived long enough, well attended to by his many children who visited him regularly. Piet, the youngest of the children who I know, opened the door last September and we chatted a bit as well. Also in 2002 and 2003 did I visit the old father Piet - as he was called too - being in the same Loborch home in Zeist NL as my aunt Stien (2007d; 97), my Dad’s (1996d; 87) younger sister. They befriended each other in that home so late in life.

With the passing of this old father of my youth friend Barend, the door closes on the me fore going generation. It is indeed a last good bye after so many before and who are already joined by several of my own generation.

With the passing of this old father (104) of my youth friend Barend, the door closes on the me fore going generation.

The feeling of invulnerability so typical of being young, now slowly makes its transition to the acceptance of the unavoidable submission to that last passing from this physical body of my life force, or as the Maya call that ‘the extinguishing of the white flowery breath’.

Last night I studied part way into chapter ten (10) in ‘The Maya’. This chapter addresses the Maya culture of today, complemented with some colonial and modern historical events. Suppression and resilience are the two operative nouns in this narrative of one human group holding another in submission for self benefit.

But, it is not solely that, because external forces penetrate the power structures, dissolving and weakening the power structure’s hold, while opening new ways for the suppressed party to express. The image comes to mind of grass and green growing out of a cracked wall today, in a reverse analogy to the forest’s growth over the Maya cities of yesterday.

On a practical note, the new laundry machines arrived yesterday modern looking with the required electronics, but as long as they wash and dry. Later on this aft Elisabeth and I will visit some friends of hers, who we met last fall for the first time.

Writings: ExisDivin Teaching Two expanded:


~~I define today’s global situation in terms of time, place, people and circumstance and distinguish between revelation and insight in a boundary situation.~~

Existence Divine (ExisDivin) Teaching Two was introduced a few weeks ago. Here I would like to expand on this basic idea and give an example. The teaching itself says that each religious or ideological human tradition is a revelation of Existence Divine at a given time, place for a certain people and circumstance. Unique in itself, but not exclusively so.

Applying this idea, makes today the time in question and our planet the place, with humanity the people in today’s circumstance of globalisation. In earlier related writing have mentioned that it is in boundary situations that new revelations, ideas or insights occur.

The revelation results from an emotional and value based search for a solution to a difficult problem that is not or cannot be consciously understood.

[Aside: Revelation versus insight.

As an aside here, I want to explain the difference between revelation and insight cum idea. While both occur in the boundary situation, the insight comes as a result of reasoned investigation of a problematic conundrum. The revelation results from an emotional and value based search for a solution to a difficult problem that is not or cannot be consciously understood. A three year drought would be an example of the latter.

In both cases a sudden clear awareness emerges about what to do next, from a dream in the first case and an oracle in the second.]

Returning to our planetary scene of today, we could say that the suggested Instance of the three year drought may today be rationally understood as being caused - at least in part - by human activities like fuel burning of various kinds.

The drought example enables us to move from revelation to insight as a way to overcome the boundary situation. The drought in some societies to day would be experienced as having cause outside the human realm. In our science based views we ascribe the cause to be human, though some of it may ‘natural’ causes, which we know from our reason based study of the earth climates distant past.

The point I want to make here is that where revelations have directed humans in boundary situation that occurred in the past, today we are obligated to apply our consciously acquired knowledge and know how to search for a solution out of our present boundary situation.

In short, revelations worked in situations and times that understanding was inadequate, with our present day conscious knowing it is imperative on us to search, find and apply the solution, whether we like it or not. The noblesse of consciousness obliges!

Daily Entry: 2015-02-10

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