, Thursday. Mainly clear and milder temps, as forecast!

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: New glasses library mystics and personal stories:


~~After posting my daily entry I make for downtown to pick up new ‘spectacles’, study Maya at the library, attend mystics teachings and finish with a long life-talk.~~

Yesterday aft I posted my daily entry, made a carry lunch and took the bus to downtown to pick up my new glasses. These are for distance and reading, complete with a new frame this time! The frame is dark like most, with a subtle hint of blue and green colours. I will have to get used to that different fit though.

I let the computer interrupt me, since it wanted to do an update. This just took a minute or two and is all done now. I don’t like working while I have this shut down notice sitting in the back ground. Thus I found a good place to save this new entry and let the Windows update go ahead.

Once I had my new glasses yesterday, I wore them walking to the Castell Library, where I arrived at about 4:40pm. There I first located the department - floor 5 - for held books to pick up. It is a service that Juliet uses since she is quite home bound. I got the three books that she had reserved and had quite a long chat the a young clerk whose grand parents came from Holland and Indonesia.

From there is was onto the third floor where I located some books for my Maya study. That turned out to be quite useful and I’ll have to make some more trips down there in preparation for my talk.

As it was getting time to move on, I got a coffee and muffin for supper down stairs! That I have not done for years, but I needed to be at the Palliser for our evening session with Herman. I walked from the library to the hotel in about ten minutes and arrived with about twenty minutes to spare and warm up!

I was quite cold yesterday afternoon and evening while walking downtown. Thomas was not at the evening session, but fortunately Ed offered me a ride, which I gladly accepted. Surprisingly though, once parked in front of my building we chatted for about an hour in his car, exchanging background experiences as to how we got to Calgary! It was a pleasant and unexpected treasured exchange. So, thanks for the ride Ed!
10:05am, resuming after a call to Juliet and a coffee break during which my ‘Writings’ topic emerged.

Writings: ExisDivin Order in the universe:


~~Is the universe inherently ordered or are we humans discovering just some discreet properties?~~

Last Sunday morning at the opening of our meeting there, I was reminded once again of the idea and belief that a god is the source of our being and is the cause and origin of the universe. Quite often this ‘source’ is then also seen as a maintaining and caring force that provides us with guidance about our lives, during which we discover the laws and order that the creator has instilled in his/her creation.

I used to hold such views and was brought up with them, even to the degree that I was taught about a heavenly Father, who ‘steered the world‘, cared for us, but at times could punish as well. I will relate in my ‘Personal Journey’ narrative how I changed from that taught view to my present one. Here below I want to formulate a more objective description as that applies in the framework of ‘Existence Divine’.

The idea that there is a first cause for our universe - an unmoved mover as Aristotle proposed - begs the question as to who or what caused this first cause. The big bang theory has the same problem, which was ignored until its main proponents passed on.

The alternative, which I arrived at around mid the 1990-ties is as follows. First we should separate the existence of the Universe from existence itself. This allows for a universe to come into existence within existence as such, which itself has no beginning. Existence has always existed, because that is its essence and nature.

This position and realisation is symbolically represented by god as first cause, because in those narratives the existence of god is never questioned. So, in this unquestioned god as cause, existence as such is implied.

In earlier writings I have explained how I came to designate this existence as ‘Existence Divine’ and am referring to those entries for an explanation. At this time I want to carry on to explain my view about the universe as we know it.

Our present universe came into existence through the big bang process, but this process was and is one of many processes that take place in existence, some known, many unknown. In this our universe, anything that can exist, will exist even for the shortest possible duration. So we have short and long term events as we know from elementary particle physics and astrophysics.

As to any order and laws that we discover, this applies to some processes, but not all. The planets are our familiar example of such laws, but in the long run the present orbits will change. Also the constellations take on different shapes over long times, but give the appearance of steadiness, because our human life times are relatively short in comparison. So, we still hold an anthropo-centric viewpoint with respect to time as we used to hold spatially with the earth as centre.

So, over time we discover certain behaviours that we can call laws in the short run, 100k-years, but only appear as laws to us at present. The essential point to recognise here is that we humans are engaged in a discovery process in which we can discern some order some of the time.

It is our human ability, using our conscious intellect to recognise such orderly behaviour. This allows us to make prediction and this has been a human endeavour ever since we became aware observers in and of our world.

My point is that the laws of nature are an order imposed by us humans on our experience world, including the very concept of ‘nature’, ‘world’ and yes even ‘existence’. All these are humanly formed concepts by means of which we frame our world and order it. This is very necessary and will be elaborated on in Book One, the Narrative of Humanity.
<10:54am and after lunch and edit:<11:48am~

Daily Entry: 2015-02-12

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