, Monday. Sunny with light clouding and mild temps.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: World map youth recalled and Harpers Canada:


~~I note the need for a current world map is my hallway, recall memories from my youth and Mr. Faasse and read news articles from the paper.~~

Last night I cleared the world puzzle from my dining room table. It was a week long display I looked at a number of times, taking in all the different nations and countries, national states large and small. All those island states in the Pacific still form a cloud of unknowing to me, but the African continent nations have been aligned in my memory much better than they were before.

Maybe I should buy an up-to-date world wall map like I used to have at other times, even going back as far at Toronto in 1959! But, all these previous maps are out of date now, so a new one is called for!

Maybe I should buy an up-to-date world wall map like I used to have at other times, even going back as far at Toronto in 1959!

Saturday and Sunday passed as usual, visiting with friends and family, reading the weekend paper and doing some walks. On Friday I received Tieneke’s card with the local paper death notice of Mr. Faasse, who became 104 years old.

It made me recall the many Sunday visits at his family home, at a time that his oldest son Barend and I were friends at Elementary and Junior High school age during the late 1940-ties and early 1950-ties. This in turn triggered memories about tZeist.

They would only meet on Sundays after church over coffee in the respective homes, taking turns. The warm midday meal ended up being late, but not too late for us boys to get together for walks and Mecano and Necobo construction type activities.

During the Second WW I was lucky enough to get a small set of ‘Trix’ - German - steel parts that took on many shapes over time until too many of the little bolts and nuts were lost. My luck was the closing of Uncle Koos’ general store for lack of supplies. He was one of the five brothers with a store in Zeist. My own Grandfather had the grocery store, first on the Slot laan and later on Steyn laan 50.

So, as you can appreciate, this weekend I spent some time reminiscing and recalling scenes from my youth. Sunday evening’s Oscar’s had to do without me, as I caught up with my news paper reading.

The Globe and Mail had a very insightful article about Harper’s reshaping of Canada as a nation and society. This is mainly due to his pragmatic approach to today’s global shifts in migration and emerging risks. Canada lets in 250 000 immigrants every year, when I had just arrived in 1959 that figure was about 60 000! The former figure may in part explain the high housing prices in Vancouver and Toronto.

Writings: ExisDivin soul and restructuring frameworks:


~~ExisDivin; I suggest a model for the existence and functioning of the soul and then concentrate on the need for restructuring our current human experience frameworks.~~

Note 1:
The last two main paragraphs - starting from ’The importance of living …’ - of last Friday’s entry should be moved to writings on global integration; possibly below.

Continuation from last Friday’s main writings:
Last Friday’s writings theme was on the spirit being enriched by the experiences of the body. After some thought about this, I feel the need to say something about the soul at this time, as this would be the most appropriate place to do so.

The Christian tradition of the West and other religions also, have held a notion and belief about the existence of the human soul, besides the concepts of body and spirit.

I view the soul as an entity that functions as the connection between the body and the sprit, as well as the holding place - repository - of the lifetime experiences by the conscious individual. In this manner the soul can inform the spirit as well as the conscious person who lives its experience in the body.

Upon death of the biological body, the soul leaves that body as an observable entity.

Upon death of the biological body, the soul leaves that body as an observable entity. This has been documented in many cases, but has never been examined as far as I know. Yet the phenomenon is well known and must be considered established as such, understood or not.

My own theory is that the observed entity leaving the dead person’s body is a plasma in the physical sense. Stable plasmas can float and move through hard matter objects, as for example ball lightning is known to do. This fact I combine with the present research about quantum computing, which utilises plasma states of matter and can contain vast amounts of information.

So, I suggest as a model, that the human soul could be a stable and ordered plasma that holds the life information of the deceased person. Where this soul entity goes I have no idea, but that does not preclude the validity of the foregoing suggestion as a working model for investigation.
This concludes the addition about the soul that I wanted to mention here.

Personal Journey.

This title refers to the three ‘FieldNote’ books I have mentioned in around the Year-end writings. The respective ‘FieldNote’ titles are: Humanity narrative, Personal Journey and Teachings.

Looking over the first four (4) pages in ‘Personal Journey’ I notice that I already wrote there what I want to write about here in this daily entry! On page four (4) top I see the word ‘reformulation’ and I was going to use the title ‘Restructuring’ just now before I saw page four (4)!

However, there is a difference today from the time of that fieldnote entry of 2014-12-30. It is that this morning I became aware of the need for me to formulate the restructuring explicitly and not to write about is as an non committal observation or action to be taken by some one else.

On the contrary, my notion of this morning is for me now to bring this restructuring idea and its necessity to the fore. The admonition ‘Loud and clear’ from a few entries back comes to mind just now. No more dilly dallying around, but a ‘gettoit’ is called for!
<11am and 4:08pm>

On Restructuring:

I have noted in earlier entries that I read ’s four volumes on world mythology. At the time I was looking for a pattern that could be generalised from those myths. I found none and asked myself the question: “What is the most general idea that I can conclude from these myths?” The answer that I came up with was: “They provide structure.”

This was followed some days or weeks later with ‘We - humans that is - re/structure the past to create a perspective on the future enabling us to act in the present. This is the definition of a religion if it is alive and practiced and of a myth of it is dead.’ This notion I have tested over many years and found it to be a functional description, even for secular ideologies relating to business and science.

Our problem today is that most of these ordering frameworks function well by themselves, but interfere with each other when operating side by side.

All those religions and traditions that have come down to us today order the human experience in a manner that is functional for us. Our problem today is that most of these ordering frameworks function well by themselves, but interfere with each other when operating side by side.

What we need to do today is to - yes - restructure each and every framework with an eye on them having to function together with other such frameworks.

This adjustment process is playing out at this time in our human societies regardless and under poor id any guidance. We can call this an unconscious process, not under control of planned action and policy. This results in resistance against required changes giving rise to conflicts of various kinds and intensities, which in turn call for costly security measures.

In conclusion I want to make the connection with the above mentioned need to have a framework and our task today to restructure each and every framework adapting them to function with reduced conflict and save money that way and prevent much human suffering!
<4:35pm and 8:58pm at last!~

Daily Entry: 2015-02-23

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