My plan is to write under this ‘Writings’ heading sections of my essay titled “Our Reality Movie” - ORM for short. These instalments will be clearly labelled as such and kept separated form the daily entry ‘Writings’ if there are any.
ORM-essay Preamble:
The aim of this essay is to describe a view of our existence that is simpler and more general, but will be more challenging than the one I have been taught. The simpler and more general qualities result from the making of fewer and simpler assumptions. The challenge arises from the increased responsibility we humans face as result of these changes.
The second aspect of this preamble is that I will use the concept of ‘Existence Divine’ as a fundamental concept in this essay. I have explained this concept in a number of forgoing places, but for here and now I will give the following short description.
Existence is not necessary and has no meaning of itself. Meaning has come from the human traditions as these have been handed down to today. All such traditions report on the experience of the mystery of this existence and seek to explain it.
Our human situation then is one of Existing in a mystery, that is knowable in part, lending it meaning. The concept of ‘Existence Divine’ gives meaning to Existence, while lending significance to Divine, implying that the one is not without the other, as is the case with dark and light or particle and wave.
Our human situation then is one of Existing in a mystery, that is knowable in part, lending it meaning.
Chapter I. Fundamentals.
1. In the Movie House.
Did you ever look around at some moment while sitting in the audience during show in a movie theatre, when the suspense is high? I did during the ‘Da Vinci Code’ movie, when towards the end the true intent by the church is about to be unveiled by the expert narrator. As I looked around me I thought: ‘What if I were to shout : Relax, its only a movie!’ or ‘He’s making it all up!’
Such action would not have gone over very well and I did not do that. However, what I will not forget is the total attention with which each person in the audience was ‘glued to the projection screen’! It looked as if we were all hypnotised by the images, the sounds and the narrative. These certainly had captured our attention at the time, which is what a movie is supposed to do and we let it, calling it entertainment.
<11:38am after lunch and Noon after edit.