, Tuesday. Clear and cold, but not unpleasant.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Shopping talking and self persuaded:


~~An early grocery trip today, coffee talk from yesterday and cookies.~~

Late starting my daily entry, but ahead with one shopping trip behind me! I went early, because there are high winds in the forecast and at -15dC that will be unpleasant indeed.

Safeway is switching over to the Sobeys chain products and self checkout routines, which is not happening altogether smoothly. Particularly not with a discount that does not display when paying the bill, but does apply it in the end.

Last night I made a start with filling in the details for the first three sections of my Maya talk outline and located the full range of map references that could be used. My aim for this week is to fill out all the outline sections with details and references. These I will then use during the weekend to put together a draft presentation to be polished up during the week in lead up to my presentation on the fifteenth this instance.

We also discussed the modern male-female relationships in our society today versus those of hunter-gatherer times, the latter lasting thousands of years.

Jack and I met for over two hours yesterday afternoon at Savour over a coffee and tea. Jack [coffee break first] had many questions for me relating to my concept of Existence Divine, as well as Mid-East politics. We also discussed the modern male-female relationships in our society today versus those of hunter-gatherer times, the latter lasting thousands of years.

Both of us agreed that whereas I think more in abstract terms, Jack is more centered on the personal and daily aspects of our lives. This way we learn much from each other, while having animated conversations. However, yesterday I did most of the talking, but we take turns at this! Vangie’s cookies were a welcome snack, by passing the restaurants goodies!

While preparing my coffee as mentioned above, I discovered an ulterior motive for my early shopping trip. It was, that I was out of cookies and not just bread for lunch! ‘Hidden Persuaders’ by from the 1950-ties comes to mind, except that he was writing about advertising. Here I am falling for the persuader hidden within!

Writings: Global Narrative identified:


~~Global Narrative emerges as my goal in my morning contemplation.~~

This morning, as I awoke and made my day-dedication first thing, a new idea emerged. It was as a title for a talk, essay or message, namely: “The Global Narrative.” That is what I am busy with and am trying to formulate, was my sense of awareness about this.

This relates to the essay “Our Reality Movie” that I am composing at present and also to the guidance aspect of my talk titled “Maya Guidance”. And, this fits too with my talks of last year in which I made the case that we need to learn how to practice tolerance between and across boundaries of our ideologies, traditions and beliefs.

However, this [global action] is taking place in an ad hoc manner and will now have to be turned into a conscious and concerted effort.

A narrative for our Global society sounds just right and when you take into account all the global issues that make the news today, compared to say 1955, then we are indeed dealing with a ‘Global narrative’. However, this is taking place in an ad hoc manner and will now have to be turned into a conscious and concerted effort.

This means planet wide coordination of our policies, laws and actions - as in rubber meeting the road - a goal held in common rather than in adversity.

Daily Entry: 2015-03-03

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