John came down my way on Saturday and we had a good chat at Savour’s this time. Sunday unfolded as normal, but my lunch with Herman last Friday took an unexpected turn. As we discussed the ISIS threat, he insisted on equating that to the one of the Nazi’s back in the 1930-ties.
This he appeared to base on Israel’s Netanyahu speech of a few days before, which I skipped since it was too predictable and over the top.
Equating the present ISIS threat with the old Nazi threat misleads one into taking the wrong counter measures.
Learning from history is one thing, but equating processes is mere substitution, which misleads one into taking the wrong counter measures. These in turn can result in aggravating the situation, as has been the case in the past.
However, our discussion had ceased to be that, so I just got up from the table to indicate that I did not want to continue this exchange. This we did and parted, nevertheless with a well meant handshake. Friends disagreeing you might say and for this there has to be room.
I was going to my laundry this morning, but someone was ahead of me, so I’ll wait until this aft or otherwise tomorrow. To night I’m slated to pack up Elisabeth from our airport. She is returning from a one week trip to Castro country, which is a welcome break for her, I’m sure.