No entries for the last few days, as I was concentrating on my Maya talk now only two days away. Wednesday afternoon I spent on getting the three handouts assembled. Today I plan to make up a fact sheet consisting of important items that I will not mention in my presentation. This in order to not over load the audience with information.
Last night after the news I composed what I feel to be the defining outline for my talk. I have made almost half a dozen of these outlines, which all helped me to come to grips with the wealth of material and its complexity.
Starting with the dim past - 3 000BC - the narrative follows the Maya mythology and tradition as they lived in their independent civilization.
The end result is that I now have a flowing narrative model that traces the development of the Maya as they see that in their tradition, as we now known that at present. Starting with the dim past - 3 000BC - the narrative follows the Maya mythology and tradition as they lived in their independent civilization.
This is followed by the experience and impact of the invasions by the Europeans and the settlers until we reach today. I then close off with drawing an object lesson from the contributions, demise, survival and restitution of the Maya culture and tradition. I say lesson, keeping in mind that our world today experiences many conflicts, disputes and acrimony relating to differences among our cultural and religious values.
I will skip the writings for today, because I have to make several trips later in order to prepare for Sunday’s treats, Monday’s flowers, today’s fact sheet and a fleshed out presentation reference. I also have to check my RCA digital recorder for available memory and probably need to clean it up.
Besides all this I make lunch, cook dinner and snooze too yet, so lots to do for this retired guy!