, Friday. Overcast at around freezing, but today the season of spring does arrive at its vernal equinox time.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Kettle buying tape fix and prophet Netanyahu:


~~Rene and I negotiate a purchase, I complete my talk recording and apply the Hebrew notion of prophets.~~

Yesterday I walked to meet up with Rene at the drug store, where I asked him to buy me an electric kettle instead of a coffeemaker, to which he gracefully agreed. He surprise me though, as he was cross-dressed and appeared to be a bit disoriented. I helped him step through the parking pass routine and then walked home again, a good thing I did since today’s weather is not close to the 14dC of yesterday.

After supper I transferred the missing final ten minutes from my digital file to the B-side of the tape of my Maya presentation. Now I have to do the work for my website posting in the Talks category, which will take more time then this simple operation.

At this time it is appropriate to comment some on Netanyahu’s election behaviour. First comes the speech to the congress of the USA, which was full of admonishments, but presented no solution to the situation he foretold. The second comes his reversal on his pre-election assertion that under his watch there would be no two state solution.

Whereas, both prophets may forecast gloom and doom, the true prophet shows the way of redemption for the people, while the false prophet does not.

In preparation for my talk on the ‘Old Testament’, now several years ago, I learned about the distinction between a true and a false prophet in the Hebrew tradition. Whereas, both prophets may forecast gloom and doom, the true prophet shows the way of redemption for the people, while the false prophet does not.

Yesterday Netanyahu degraded his statue of being a false prophet to one of being no prophet at all, by the mentioned reversal. He now has shown himself to be a two tongued politician, mistrusted as a leader of the people he claims to lead.

But, just where to is that? I suspect this Israeli prime minister of a secret personal ambition, namely to make a corridor to the Dead Sea from Jerusalem. This ambition may in his mind trump all else, but will result in fore closing counter actions by those he makes into enemies this way.

Writings: All forces and no time:


~~ I speculate on the outcome of the planned Hadron Collider experiments.~~

I want to expand on yesterday’s Writings prediction at its close. It is that I have the intuition that the planned more powerful Hadron Collider experiments will result in the discovery of other forces, rather than of particles. In the end we may come up with a model based on forces to explain what is the fundamental aspect of existence.

A model that uses particles needs time as a fundamental dimension, but a model based on waves and forces does not.

A model that uses particles needs time as a fundamental dimension, but a model based on waves and forces does not. We may even have to let go of the notion of distance as well, but I don’t know enough about the intricacies of such claims to be sure. I am just voicing an intuited notion and will leave things to the experts to find out one way or the other and hope to live long enough to hear about!

Daily Entry: 2015-03-20

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