, Wednesday. Clear, sunny and near freezing, but …!

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Maya talk posted and more considered:


~~Yesterday I posted my Maya talk, which involved recalling many rusty web techniques. I consider my upcoming topics and today’s lunch.~~

No entry for yesterday with good reasons, because I dedicated it to getting the Maya talk posted on my web site. This was accomplished in the evening of the day, with the map handouts still to be scanned and added. But, the sound file is there with all its links, images and outline, all as the first talk of the new series on ‘Lesser World Religions‘, which will form the eighth group.

The talk itself is number thirty four (34) of my talks for the Calgary Life Enrichment Centre. My first talk was on the ‘Gnostics’ back in 2004 on September the fourth if I remember correctly. Now I do four talks a year, one in each season!

My next talk will be on the Manicheans, June the 14th.

Today I’ll meet with Tim, who has invited me for lunch with ’s “Year Zero” on the agenda, but the Maya won’t be far behind! My next talk will be on the Manicheans, June the 14th.

The third talk for the year I plan to devote to the religions of Africa, which are now spread the world over. The topic for the fourth talk is still cloaked in the shrouds of creativity, but I am considering a synoptic type theme on religion as a human phenomenon.

Daily Entry: 2015-03-25

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