‘Back in the saddle’ today, as this western expression goes. It is Western, never heard it in the East. There it was ‘ back to the grind stone’ or some such expression. Sleeping like a log is national in Canada, but would makes no sense in my old country, there you sleep like a marmot.
Easter was more or less regular by now after ten years of living in my present situation. John and I connected at the Cook family dinner, as he had been away on a retreat. I got a very nice Easter card to ’OPA’ as Annie always prints with very large letters. Thanks Annie. On Easter Monday I treated Michelle to a Savour tea for her birthday.
Yesterday was grocery shopping day, which rung up to the tune of one hundred dollars. This included rice, butter, cinnamon and cheese, all non regular items for me. After an early supper I walked to the library to check on three hold books that had come in. I took home the thinnest and the thickest, to wit ‘Deleted world’, poems by Transtroemer and J.S. Gould’s ‘The Structure of Evolutionary Theory’. The first has 41 pages and the second has 1433, both are quite interesting.
Transtroemer is a Swedish Nobel Prize author of very direct and eloquent poems, addressing daily life scenes and making us reflect on the world we live in.
Black Postcards (2):
In the middle of life, death comes
to take your measurements. The visit
is forgotten and life goes on. But the suit
is being sewn on the sly.
You see what I mean!
Gould proposes a structure of evolution based on stasis that is interrupted by sudden change, the so called ‘punctuated equilibrium…
Gould proposes a structure of evolution that is based on stasis that is interrupted by sudden change, the so called ‘punctuated equilibrium’, as the norm, with the burden of proof being shifted to the notion of ‘gradualism’ that relies on environmental changes.
De Vries was the first one to point to these evolutionary jumps back in around 1905. But of course, any jump in a theory makes geologists and evolutionists jump as well. This reminds them of that antiquated theory of catastrophic evolutionary change. Established scientific theories are treated and protected like religious dogmas, which makes me often wonder, whether the former are a replacement for the latter, in some instances.