, Sunny and cool.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Laundry leaks and life experience:


~~Yesterday water leaks, dinner and discussing life experience at Juliet’s and three light laundry loads thus far today.~~

The first laundry load is in the washer, but I notice that this time around all three load will be lighter than usual. I think this is because I tend to wear my going out clothes less than I used to do, favouring my indoor outfits more frequently. Anyway, in thirty minutes load two is due.

Last night I phoned Charlotte, with whom I have not spoken or heard from in ‘ages’. Left a message, but I’ll check with Thomas to make sure. Yesterday I did some shopping for Juliet, before going over to meet at after four. No writing this time, but the there was leaked water in the cupboard under the sink, so I clean that up instead! I also made two salads, but we ate the one from last week, which was not all that fresh!

My socks got wet from the waterworks and Juliet was so kind to get me some dry ones. After supper we talked about the extra sensory aspects of our lives in the human biological body and consciousness independent of it.

We agreed there is more than is acknowledged officially, but that the deniers have less proof of their ‘nothing’ than those who claim the opposite. Denying human experience and observations is not the way forward in becoming more conscious of our human existence and its capabilities, which is incomplete.

No coffee with John this week, he is too busy managing two merged teams. No Saturday visit either, because he and Annie are attending the ’comic show’ this weekend. However we have an advance booking for a coffee next week!

Writings: Later2 notes on Gould with quotes:


~~ This is a Hodge-podge of quotes form ’s Evolution Structure book, followed by my relating notes.~~

Next load due at twenty to ten.
Now comes ‘Later2’ note, continuing from where I left off yesterday with Later1.

Gould discusses in ‘The first theme: The organism as the agent of natural selection’ in Chapter 1, p.125 of SoETh and following, the mechanism of natural selection. On page 127a the author proceeds to find ‘the root of Darwin’s radicalism’. This focuses on the issue as to where ‘the locus of natural selection is located’ he says in the next paragraph and proceeds as follows:
“Selection operates on the organisms, not on any higher collectivity. Selection works directly for the benefit of the organisms only, and not for any larger harmony that might embody God’s benevolent intent.” Then on that same page towards the bottom we find Gould saying: “But Darwinism tries to explain all these levels by one locus of causality - selection among organisms.”

Under the heading ‘EXPLICIT STATEMENTS’, Gould then continues on page 127d/8a saying:
‘Statements that selection works “for the good of individuals” recur, almost in catechistic form, throughout the Origin: “Natural selection will never produce in a being injurious to itself, for natural selection acts solely by and for the good of each (p. 21) …”.’

On page 139d Gould reports that Darwin was never able to convince to accept ‘the mechanism of natural selection‘.

Below follow my notes in verbatim form p.46 - 48 of my ‘Celestial Planisphere’ note book, being the entry for 2015-04-09; 11:20pm as follows.

Ref. J. Gould’s “Struct. Of Evol. Theory’ -

Ch.I - Agency:

What is the physical mechanism/ process/ principle at play here? I say: Try maximization on available energy/ = food intake/. - Try Thermodynamic principles of mini / maxi of enthalpy/ entropy too as that takes place within the adapting internals of the organism. - This is not ‘survival’ as we humans see that, it is the outcome of the internal process of the organism.


Agency for humans mammals [is] maximization of consciousness which results in maximization of [p.97] [a] number of things put in an ordered framework. Such a framework reduces the need for attention that unrelating events demand. The more efficient the framework that orders experience the grater the conscious benefit.

This is the agency at work in humans becoming conscious:
Stories, narratives, analogous theories, written records, logical theory, experimental tested/ science theories, computers, …, all point to increased awareness about our ‘universe’ - ordering our life experience.


How to deal with our human diversity of ordering [p.48] frameworks that maintain an internal consistency (“truth”), but conflict with each other in part in maintaining this self- consisting identity[?]
We need a sociological/ psychological Hadron Collider here! :-)!
This completes the text from the ’Celestial’ note book.

Daily Entry: 2015-04-16

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