The first laundry load is in the washer, but I notice that this time around all three load will be lighter than usual. I think this is because I tend to wear my going out clothes less than I used to do, favouring my indoor outfits more frequently. Anyway, in thirty minutes load two is due.
Last night I phoned Charlotte, with whom I have not spoken or heard from in ‘ages’. Left a message, but I’ll check with Thomas to make sure. Yesterday I did some shopping for Juliet, before going over to meet at after four. No writing this time, but the there was leaked water in the cupboard under the sink, so I clean that up instead! I also made two salads, but we ate the one from last week, which was not all that fresh!
My socks got wet from the waterworks and Juliet was so kind to get me some dry ones. After supper we talked about the extra sensory aspects of our lives in the human biological body and consciousness independent of it.
We agreed there is more than is acknowledged officially, but that the deniers have less proof of their ‘nothing’ than those who claim the opposite. Denying human experience and observations is not the way forward in becoming more conscious of our human existence and its capabilities, which is incomplete.
No coffee with John this week, he is too busy managing two merged teams. No Saturday visit either, because he and Annie are attending the ’comic show’ this weekend. However we have an advance booking for a coffee next week!