Late today and yet, I went to bed at 11pm, which is on the early side for me. But, on account of the emotional events of yesterday, this may not be all that surprising.
I’m referring to yesterday’s evening gathering and service at the ‘Discovery Center for Spiritual Living’, which was held in memory of JK, who was its minister even yet the forgoing Sunday. I made mention of this unexpected event in my entries dated 14 and 19 this instance.
The sanctuary was filled, a state that JK always strived for in his ministry, coming to fulfilment in his passing, yet accomplishing that goal in the end! And with this event of last night, also marking the end of the said centre for which he and Gabriella with many others, worked so hard.
This makes me think of the dispersal of the first Christian congregation that was chased out of Jerusalem as tradition has that. They went forth from there to spread the message it is thought!
About a dozen people from the audience shared their memories about JK, some going back years, some a few months, but always relating the emotional significance and value of the experience they shared with JK. Some people spoke, pinking a tear, others expressed in song and music, some of which I recorded, taking photos at times.
But, so did Thomas who was recording all significant and official presentations. Sunday 14 I took some candid shots one of which is posted on my entry for April 14, which JK is singing! It is humbling for me as human being to think how quickly one among us can depart from our daily life of interaction in the body, other modes not withstanding.
These [deeds] bore witness to the spirit and values of compassion JK held dear, making me think he was there with us in sprit celebrating this large gathering in his honour.
After the common part of our service I went over to Prya who was the master of ceremonies for the evening. Last week she had been scheduled to give her first ‘sermon’ presentation under JK’s guidance, while now she was in charge of this gathering in his memory. I complemented her on her poise and well managed performance as a learner in that position.
It was also heart warming to see the dedicated and caring ways in which people made their contributions, some sharing up front, while others looked after food, sound or the general flow of events.
These bore witness to the spirit and values of compassion JK held dear, making me think he was there with us in sprit celebrating this large gathering in his honour.
<10:40 computer update and coffee for me.