Much activity this weekend for me. On Friday afternoon coffee with Don at Kingsland, where I rediscovered the ‘Painted Glass’ booth. It was in a different location and had combined with some essence outfit. Don gave me his ballot for Herman’s evening course and voted for Quimby! Good man, thanks Don.
On Saturday, John with Annie came down my way and together we went to the play park at 13th and Second street. From there to Good Earth for a coffee and some more chatting. Annie likes her new school a lot better, but mentioned being pestered by small kids, since she is quite tall herself. John related the same experience when he was in those grades.
In the aft I gathered up my tax papers and lined them up for Sunday. I had sensed an intuition a few days earlier that I should do my taxes the coming weekend. I always do them on the last day instead, the 30th! Not this year.
The rest of Saturday was spent on getting my image scaling routine established. This I did and can now operate the PHP scaling program directly on the selection folder located outside of Apache2, which must run the scaling program. This scaling program then deposits the scaled results with changed names, back into that selection folder.
The next challenge will be to write a JavaScript routine that to insert an image file name into my daily entry template at the right locations. In preparation I have located my old Sait JavaScript course exercises, which can operate on the html markup. That I hope to start on today.
On Sunday, after my walks and visit with friends at the Palliser, where Herman spoke on Shakespeare’s wisdoms, I did my taxes in the afternoon and evening. The completed forms are now awaiting posting, with a small check for the Receiver General of our Maple Leaf adorned nation.
Sunday evening the reason for having done my taxes earlier then usual, became clear. It made me feel good to have done so and then recalled my very first tax form activities in 1960. That year I filed my first return for the earning I had made in 1959, the year in which I arrived in my country of choice. That was on August the eleventh (11th) at Dorval Airport Montreal, by plane from Schiphol Amsterdam. The flight took fourteen hours non-stop in a Turboprop DC7c, named for the founder of the KLM, Mr. Plessman.
Well back to that first tax calculation. My feelings of being proud to now report my earned Canadian income from those first jobs resurfaced yesterday after having done my taxes. By doing them early this year, the anxiety of doing the filing at the last day was not there making room for those feelings of satisfaction about doing that first filing as a New Canadian as that was called. My first official step as a landed immigrant participating in this Canadian Nation‘s structure and process.
Quite amazing how such a slight hint of ‘Do your taxes this weekend’ resulted in a recalling of those events and their associated feelings from April 1960. At that time I lived in Toronto in a rented room in a house along Duplex near Imperial avenue.
But, what counts much more is that I am happy to be in Canada and with the results of taking this adventure to emigrate to an unknown country.
What remains for this aft is getting a proper envelope - no longer supplied - and then post this product of my greatest exercise for the year in Arithmetic! The postage has gone up to since that first time to 85 cents as the minimum instead of three (3)! But, so has my annual income of about three thousand (3 000) dollars!
But, what counts much more is that I am happy to be in Canada and with the results of taking this adventure to emigrate to an unknown country. I looked for a character forming experience and challenge at that time - among other things - and that is what it turned out to be. I learned to straddle two cultures - similar, but quite different in values and have learned much from that, still benefiting today.
<10:51am and at 2:40pm, its all in the mail!